Snow Season - Jun

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did this for a challenge!! I put more details at the end of you're curious, enjoy!

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I walked through the snow down the side of the road with Jun. We had gone outside for a little just to do some exploring, but we got a little lost on the way back to the cabin. I guess you could say this vacation is going a bit south, but it's not gotten to the point where it's bothered us yet. Obviously, it's really chilly and whatever, but it's nice to be able to spend time with him like this.

"Which way did we turn to get on this road anyways? All of these trails look alike." Jun said, breaking the silence that had lasted for about two minutes.

"I don't know.. I'm starting to get scared we won't find our way back before it gets dark." I said, looking into the forest we had no intentions of going into.

"Don't jinx us.. I'm sure we'll find it before then." He said, coming to a stop at a random trail.

After realizing he stopped, I stopped just a little ahead and turned around to see him looking down one of the trails, squinting his eyes.

"I think it's this one. I'm not completely sure, but we won't know until we try." He said, grabbing my hand and not giving me a choice.

I didn't stop, although this was kind of a stupid idea.. It's the best guess we have though, so I guess any idea is better than no idea at all.

After a little while of walking, we heard rustling coming from near us. It startled me, so I kind of stumbled into Jun, who didn't really seem to mind because he was concentrated on what it was.

We stood still and quiet. We heard the noises again and again, and they were coming from behind some bushes a little bit away from us. Jun looked at me, holding a finger to his lips and led us over to the bushes slowly.

When we looked over them, we saw a little reindeer sniffing around in the snow. I held my hand to my mouth, trying not to let out any excitement that would scare it. Jun smiled at me, before the reindeer walked away.

I grabbed onto Jun's sleeve, pulling myself close to him and putting my face into his coat.

"It's too cold." I said, slightly muffled.

"Let's go then, come to think of it, this is kind of familiar if you think about it." He said, pulling himself away from me and continuing to walk.

I groaned slightly, following behind him. He led us both through multiple bushes and trees, going in what seemed to be a completely random direction. I'm not even sure if he knows where he's going, but I doubt it's where we're trying to go..

"Y/n! Look! It's a frozen river..!" Jun said, sliding down to the frozen surface and smacking his hand down on it.

"That's not smart." I said, going down to him and pulling his hand up from the ice.

"I mean.. I'm aware. I just wanted to do that.." He said in a slight salty voice, taking his hand away from me and crossing his arms.

"Wait a second.. This lake was near the cabin, wasn't it?" I said, the sudden realization hitting me like the polar express. (I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF)

"Yeah.. We should be going the right way then. You should really trust my judgement more." He said, smirking at me.

"Considering how most of today has gone, I would've thought you'd know why I don't trust your judgement." I said, earning a judgmental look from Jun.

He pouted, standing up and walking away. I then snickered, getting up and following behind him again. He's salty but adorable at the same time..

After walking up a small hill, we finally found the cabin, and I was relieved more than anything else. The cold was really starting to get to me at this point.

Still walking behind Jun, I got startled when he stopped, and I fell backwards, rolling down the hill. Jun quickly turned around, realizing what happened. He failed to hold in his laughs.

So, while I was at the bottom of the hill, now freezing from head to toe, Jun was at the top of the hill laughing his ass off. I lied there, now contemplating my own existence and why a clumsy human like me is even alive.

Jun finally came down the hill to me, still wheezing from my accident. I was still in shock, and was breathing heavy while shivering. He grabbed my hand, helping me get up.

"Let's go inside so you can warm up, alright?" He said, me immediately nodding.

Jun took me inside, and I changed out of my snow invested clothes. I changed into something warm and sat down on the couch with a blanket wrapped around me. My face, hands, and feet still felt really numb..

"I got you some hot tea. Hot chocolate is too cliche for me." He said, handing me a cup.

"We don't have any do we?"


"Thought so. Now come and sit down, I'm cold and needy." I said, taking a sip of the tea.

He laughed, quickly sitting down next to me and wrapping his arms around me for a hug.

"I'm not hugging you back, just because you laughed at me instead of helping me right away." I said, staring down at the tea that was producing steam from the cup.

He got close to my face, pouting again.

I looked at him with an unamused expression.

"..But I helped you." He said, pressing his cheek against my shoulder.

I sighed, sitting the cup down on the table next to the couch.

"Fine then." I said, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him back.

This is a lot warmer than this blanket..

"This kind of reminds me of Vernon's line in Pretty U because of how cold you are.. You know.. 'You're so ice ice baby-'" I stopped him before he could finish, just with a death glare.

I eventually fell asleep. Didn't even finish my tea.. So now it's cold. The end.

• a/n


So about that challenge. Basically, it's a collab thing with ugliwoozistan.

Basically we made a moodboard/aesthetic thing that we wanted to be able to make a story out of. The one of Jun is the one she made, and I made a story out of the images in it. She's making a bts imagine out of the one I made, which she'll hopefully finish soon!

I'm also trying to finish a Hoshi imagine and mixed message part 3 but idk when I'll be able to do that because school and life in general is killing me.

But that's all, yo bitch Kai is out~

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