Sleepless Night - Dino

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I had my phone held up above my face, watching some dog videos. It was like.. two in the morning. I mean, I was going to sleep, but then I got sucked into youtube. This is the fourth night in a row this has happened.. totally not every night.

As the video ended, I heard Dino's quiet breathing beside me. I didn't notice it before, I kind of forgot that he was there. I turned my head towards him, and he was sleeping on his side, facing me. His hair was draped over his eyes. His hair is so messy.. I wanna touch it. I lied my phone next to me and gently pushed his hair out of his face. I got a better look at his face. He's so adorable when he sleeps. He's adorable in general, but he looks so soft when he's sleeping.

I smiled and picked my phone up, continuing to watch more videos.

> one hour later

I have resorted to watching conspiracy theory videos, and urban legends. It's scaring me but I can't stop watching them. My phone suddenly slipped out of my hands and hit me right on my face. I gasped really loud.

"shit.." I whispered, picking my phone up and rubbing my face.

As I sat up I felt Dino shift beside me. He opened his eyes slightly.

"Y/n.. Is something wrong?" He asked drowsily, seeing me sat up on the bed.

"Yes, I'm fine. You can go back to sleep.

"What time is it..?" he asked me, rubbing his eyes.

"Um.. Around three, I think." I answered, trying to remember what time I had checked last on my phone.

"You haven't been awake all night, have you?" he said.

"No, of course not, I just woke up a few minutes ago." I lied, trying not to get bitched at.

"Okay.. Go back to sleep soon." He said, shutting his eyes back.

I waited about ten minutes until I started watching videos again, just to make sure he was asleep. I was getting kind of hungry.. Maybe I should get a snack.

I slowly climbed out of bed, trying to be as quiet as possible so I didn't wake Dino up again. I stayed in place next to the bed and picked my phone up, taking it with me so I could mindlessly browse the internet while I ate.

I successfully made it out of the room and made my way to the kitchen, time to get food.


I couldn't find anything I wanted, so I just got some water. I'm kind of in the mood where I'm not hungry, but I am. I guess I can wait until the morning, it's not that long from now, I guess.

I picked my phone up and started to watch more urban legends videos. Watching these was a lot creepier when I wasn't next to Dino.. Eh, I'll live until I get back in the room, that is if I make it down the hallway without pissing myself and having three mental breakdowns..

It was getting to a really creepy part in the video I was currently watching. I silently watched as the music got more dramatic. I starting sweating a little bit, I felt like there was someone else here.. I'm just being paranoid, it's fine. I'm going to be okay..

Then, the video jump scared to the most horrific thing I had seen.. in the past week.

Okay I feel like I'm going to die now.

I stopped myself from screaming, and I set the glass on the counter, turning around to dash back into the bedroom. I ran down the hall as fast as I could. I ran into the bedroom and swan dived onto the bed, landing on Dino and scrambling to hide under the blankets. Dino shot up and confusedly looked around.

Then there was dumbass me, shivering under the blankets.

Dino looked over at me and slowly pulled the blanket out from over me. I grabbed his arm and tried to hold it back, slipping further underneath the blanket.

"Y/n what happened, are you okay?" Dino asked, putting his hand on my arm over the blanket.

"I watched a scary video I'm convinced death is coming my way." I said.

Dino pulled the cover off of me and motioned me to sit up. I did, and he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay, I won't let whatever you're afraid of get you." he whispered sweetly.


He buried his face in my neck. His fringe tickled my neck, making shivers go down my spine.

"You can go to sleep now, y/n." he whispered.

I relaxed my muscles and tried to sleep. I felt safe in Dino's arms..

Suddenly I heard something smack the window. I couldn't help but to kinda go overboard..


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