5: McDonald's

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Chapter 5

   I spit the water that I gurgled after I brushed my teeth. I looked at the mirror and almost freaked out because how I looked. My hair is tangled— it's always like that every time I wake up.

I put a pressed powder on only because who would put mascara and eyeliner around 3 AM? A celebrity who's doing a shoot, maybe. But.. Who?

Obviously not me.

I put on my favorite perfume after stuffing it inside my bag for the airport.

"Al! Al!" Dad shouted from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back, quickly tying my hair up.

I called Mike to get my luggage bags. I actually have two huge luggage bags and I was thinking about having three, but.. I can buy clothes whenever I want.

I told Mike to lock my Dad and I's rooms after I left him carrying my bags that are full of stones. . . kidding.

"Where are the boys?" I yawned.

"Liam and Louis are already awake and ready. They are just waking the other boys up, which is probably hard, as they told me. Especially Zayn." Dad said.

"So, are we going to wait for them or what?" I asked.

"Please help them waking the boys up."

"Hell no." I almost laughed.

"I know you're great at waking people up." He said. The image of me waking my dad by shouting 'Dad! The mansion! It's fucking burning! Alicia Keys is here! The girl on freakin' fire! Oh my god!' woke him up. I shook the memory away and just chuckled.

"What will I get if I'll wake them?" I folded my arms.

"Free pizza." He said.

"Whole box?"


"Hm, deal." I said. I don't want to spend my money, even though my dad always gives me money.

I went upstairs and walked fast through the hallway. I opened the door and saw Liam, waking up Zayn, which Liam earned Zayn's groans and 'shut up's.'

"Zayn, wake up. We're going to be late." I said.

"But we have a private jet, anyway." He said with his raspy voice.

"Yeah, we'll use your band's private jet but my dad picked the time 4:30 am and we have to go there on time. You guys still have to do something later during the afternoon."

No reply.

"You guys have jam packed months for all of your rehearsals, concerts, meet and greets, photoshoots, signings, voice records, voice lesson sessions and whatsoever. We all have to keep moving to accomplish what's needed to be accomplished. Well, except for me." I said. He just stuffed his face on a pillow. Wow, I just wasted my saliva and he just stuffed his face on the pillow?

"Go and wake others." He mumbled into his pillow.

"Zayn, you hav—" I cut Liam.

"And you will get to see your girl or whatever." I added, that finally woke him up and I gave Liam a 'now, tell him what to do because I have another sleepy hippo to take care of' look and Liam nodded. I exited the room and opened another room. I looked up and I let out a quick scream.

"Shh! You're going to wa-" I closed the door, not letting Harry finish and before he'll turn around. I blushed deep red.. I just saw Harry naked— But good thing, I only saw his bum.

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