frozen heartbreak

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Winter dashed back to his cave tears streaming down his cheeks. "How could she do this to me." winter said softly as he got in bed hiding under the blanket that moon made him. "I love her." he said as he took a small photograph out from under his pillow. It was a small photo of moon smiling at the camera. It was often wet because of how many times winter had kissed it. "Oh moon why would you do this to me?" he said to the photo. "Because I'm trying to make you jealous you see. Other whys you would not pay any attention to me." the photo said in his mind. "Yes that's it moons trying to make me jealous of qibli. Know it all makes sense she doesn't really love qibli she just doing it to get my attention." he thought. But his heart didn't believe him. he started to try and go to sleep but herd claw steps coming down the hallway. He quickly poked one practically invisible eye out from under the blanket. It was qibli. As he came into the room winter noticed the scales around his lips were wet from all of the kissing. Just thinking of this made winters eyes start to tear up.

"Best date night ever." qibli said. "The swim in the lake, the first kiss and especially when she agreed to be my girlfriend.  "I can not wait to shove it in winter's face tomorrow oh, he is going to be so mad."

"Well he is right about one thing." winter thought getting angrier by the minute.

Winter rolled over pretending to be asleep accidentally moving the blanket off of him."Little icewing prince how the tables have turned." qibli said crossing the room to winter's side. "Tomorrow you will see that moon wanted me, not you." qibli said leaning in closer. It was a good thing that winter was facing away from him because he was so mad that his face was turning blue (icewing blood is blue) and more tears were starting to slide down his face.

"I'll be sure to let you know when we get married... " qibli started getting even closer.

"And when we have our first dragonet" qibli whispered into his ear. Right before winter snapped qibli turned around, walked back to his side of the room, got in bed and instantly fell asleep because he was so tired.It was then that winter got up and ran to the boys bathroom locked himself in a stall and collapsed." I have to try as hard as I can to get moon back." he said as he waited for his anger to disperse.

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