"Oh man I really need to get out more." said moon as she flew down for a landing in the rainforest, She had not even gotten past the rainforest and she was a panting, sweaty and snotty mess. Moon flew down to a clearing and settled down on a nice big rock to rest. Before she even knew what was happening, she was asleep, unaware of the watching eyes in the forest.
Winter was dreaming in a tree, the emotional trauma from yesterday had tired him out. Moon was just wrapping her talons around his neck leaning in to kiss him when he was awakened by a loud scream. The scream was cut short, as though giant talons had snatched the sound out of the air.
"That sounded like moon." thought winter quickly getting up and flying towards the direction of the scream.
When winter got to the "crime scene" he saw two large sandwings wrestling with a nightwing dragonet with a bag tied over it's head.
"Well it's not moon but I'll save her anyways." winter thought assuming the dragonet was a girl.
Winter jumped down from the tree he was perched in onto the ground. "HEY!" he shouted. "Let her go." he said to the sandwings who had finished tying up the dragonet.
"What are you going to do about it." said the larger one with a scar over his left eye as he punched one fist into the other.
"Ya. " said the other one sneering as she said it. With a growl winter quickly jumped on the bigger one knocking him to the ground. Winter tore into the exposed underbelly quickly killing the dragon.
"HEY! You can't do that to my boyfriend!" the other dragon yelled slamming her fists with amazing force onto the bumps where winters wings started. Winter crumpled, yowling with pain. It was then that the sandwing tried to tip him over trying using the same way to kill winter as winter killed her boyfriend. Winter tipped over.
"It looks like this is the end of the line for you." said the sandwing. Just as the sandwing was going in for the kill, winter herd a small bbzztt and his opponent fell to the ground.
"What killed her?" thought winter as he leaned closer."Oh she's not dead she's asleep!" winter said angry with himself because he had not realised she was still breathing.
"We'll take her off your hands know." said a voice behind him. Winter whirled around to see jambo sitting at the edge of the clearing.
"Thank you." said winter as jambo picked up the sandwing and dragged her into the forest. Winter turned to the captive.
"Time to set you free." he said to her untying her ropes and lifting the bag off her head. It was moon! The sandwings had kidnaped her when she had fallen asleep. The second winter saw her he made a small eepp noise and started to fly away.
"Wait!" said moon starting to fly after him. "I never even got to say thank you."