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Chloe Caulfield, Chloe Caulfield. Chloe kept repeating her name with Max's last name all day she has been contemplating telling Max her true feelings. After the storm that destroyed all of Arcadia Bay and Max save the world, Chloe had fallen for Max even though they had been friends since, well always.

" Chloe stop this would never happen, yes she did kiss you but that was on a dare, your feeling are stupid it can't happen she doesn't see you like that." Chloe looks over at the clock that sits by her bed and sees that it is eleven o'clock and she is supposed to pick Max up at her new apartment to see a movie. The entirety of the surviving students at Blackwell had been moved to an apartment complex one town over. Chloe had similarly moved to the same town with David and Joyce.

" Shit I almost forgot!" Chloe gets out of bed and puts on a jacket to cover her scars. Max didn't know about Chloe's self-harm, no one did. Chloe rushes outside to her truck and begins the drive to Blackwell Apartments as it had been aptly renamed, but something is nagging her, something in her head. It's herself inside her own head it's that stupid name again it's nagging her to the point where she pulls over and has to calm down. She leans back in her seat-

" what the hell is wrong with me?" Chloe reaches into the glove compartment and pulls out a picture of her and Max after the storm. She grazes the picture with her middle and index finger, tears fall slowly down her cheeks.

" Max, I love you. " Chloe shakes herself back to reality when she hears her phone ringing, it's Max. Chloe picks up the phone-

" Chloe where are you I'm in the parking lot waiting."

" Oh, um yeah I'm on my way I just had to pull over for a sec, I'll be there in a couple minutes"

" ok Chloe see you in a bit." Chloe hangs up the phone she put the truck in gear and drives towards the school. When she arrives, Max is still waiting for her. Chloe grabs her left arm feeling her cuts, and she makes the decision to tell Max that she hurts herself.

"hey Max I need to talk about a couple of things can we see the movie some other time?" Max looks worried

"Chloe are you ok, you never want to talk about anything. Soo uh yeah we can let go to my room." Chloe parks the truck and walks with max to her room, she rubs her arm the whole way worried not only about telling Max about her feelings but about her cuts. They reach the room and go inside, Max sits on the bed and pats next to her signaling that she wants Chloe to sit next to her.

" First off please don't be mad ok." Chloe continues to rub her arm.

" Chloe why would I be mad?" Max looks more worried than she did in the parking lot.

" This is why " Chloe takes her jacket off revealing an arm full of cuts.

" CHLOE WHAT THE HELL!" Max grabs Chloe and pulls her down next to her.

" See I knew you are mad at me, just like David he's always yelling at me and hitting me." Chloe grabs Max and leans her head on Max's chest.

" Chloe I'm not mad I'm worried about you why are you doing this to yourself?"

" Because of Max... I love you and I feel so insufficient around you now, you saved the whole freakin' world all I did was be mad that you never called for five years when I didn't either, also David abuses me a lot but it isn't that bad." Chloe starts crying again.

" Chloe please stop hurting yourself, and could you back up, what?"

" Max, I said I love you and not just as a friend. I know you probably don't feel this way towards me... Max interrupts Chloe mid-sentence.

" Chloe I well I also share some feelings towards you also." Max turns away in embarrassment. All the feelings and sadness that Chloe had rushed out of her body and is replaced with good.

" Max I...I... " Chloe turns Max's face towards her and without a second thought she kissed Max, a deep passionate kiss that seemingly lasted a lifetime, and this time it was not a dare.

" Max are you going to rewind time and make me forget this happened, make me forget I told these things and that I should never have done it." Chloe pushes Max off her and rolls over and looks up staring at the wall of pictures and lights, that Max had redone since moving to the new town.

" Chloe I would so that I can see your reaction again so that I can say I love you first and kiss you first." Max lays behind Chloe wrapping her arms around the blue haired rebel, she holds Chloe's hand.

" Max the fuck is wrong with me, you can control time and shit but I can't do anything but be a horrible person. Also, fall in love with my best friend." Max reaches into her satchel and takes out her camera, puts it above their heads and turns Chloe's head and she kisses Chloe and takes a picture of them kissing.

A new one for the wall. Max kisses Chloe before hanging up the picture and laying down next to Chloe. The two girls fall asleep in each others arms, happy, and without any worry.

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