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They all wake up around the same time the next day they all wish Max a happy birthday before they head off to finish photographing all the dresses.

Hey, Kate do you mind if I borrow a dress I dont own any. Kate nods her head and looks through to find a dress that will fit Chloe. She finds a basic white dress that reaches just below the knees. The shoulder straps and bottom of the dress are lined with intricate lace.

I also need a bag to put money and something else in. Kate hands Chloe a matching clutch thats large enough to fit a ring box.

Good luck Chloe I know he loves you a lot. Chloe folds and places the dress and handbag in her backpack.

Thank you, Kate, I hope she says yes. Chloe puts her hand on Kates shoulder.

She will Chloe dont worry.

But still what if she doesnt?

Oh my god Chloe she will. Kate gives Chloe a reassuring hug.

Thanks, Kate you always know how to make people feel better. Chloe breaks the hug Bye Kate it was good talking to you dont worry you and Vic will get an invitation. Chloe turns around and waves a goodbye to Kate who is putting away the last of the dresses. Max and Chloe drive home to get ready for their date. Max gets ready before Chloe and waits in the living room until she can hear Chloe crying.

Che baby can I come in, Im worried about you. Max is standing on the other side of the door ready to go.

Uh yeah come in babe. Chloe puts the ring box with the ring inside her handbag. Sorry, babe I was just thinking.

But you were crying. Max hugs Chloe

I was thinking about how much I love you and I started crying tears of joy dont worry.

Oh, ok lets go then. I love you too. Max takes Chloes hand and leads her to the truck. Chloe starts the new truck and drives off to the little Italian restaurant that they had their first date in the new city at. They pull into the parking lot and see Kate and Victoria waiting for them. Max gets out of the truck and hugs Kate and Victoria and thanks them for coming. Max looks at Chloe with a did-you-do-this face. Chloe nods and the four of them go in and eat. They all sit down and order and eat. Max thanks, Kate again for coming. Chloe and Max drive home to go to bed. When max and Chloe get home, there are lots of people parked outside their house.

Che, why are there so many people here? Max asks getting out of the truck. Chloe comes up behind Max wrapping her arms around Max and waddling to the door. Chloe opens the door and Max turns the lights on. Many old friends and family jump out of hiding and yell surprise making Max jump in Chloes arms. Chloe giggles at how easily scared her photographer girlfriend is.

Hey lets stay until the sun starts to go down then lets go to that new lighthouse. Chloe asks opening a bottle of her favorite beer.

Sure, why not Che. Max turns and walks over to Dana and gives her a quick hug. Max and Chloe stay at the party until sundown. Chloe walks into their bedroom and sits on the bed with the door closed looking at the ring she bought for Max. Her leg is shaking up and down quickly. Max knocks on the door.

Hey, babe if you want to go to the lighthouse we need to leave now.

Oh yeah Ill be right out Chloe had put on her regular clothes and shoved the ring into a pocket. Chloe pushes Max out of the house turning around before closing the door and showing the ring to everyone who was watching them leave. Chloe quickly closes the door and gets in the truck turning it on with a roar. Chloe and Max drive to the newly built lighthouse that sits high above the town. Chloe takes Maxs hand and leads her to a bench overlooking the town and sea.

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