Date night

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The two wake up the next day still wearing their clothes they had fallen asleep in each other's arms.

" Oh, hey look at that Max we fell asleep together I hope no one knows but us," Chloe says getting out of bed and pulling her new partner up with her.

" Chloe can we go get some breakfast and the diner before we announce this to anyone especially Warren," Max says groggily while putting on her shoes.

" Of course, lets go then." Chloe pulls on her jacket and opens the door to see that someone had spray painted the word " FAGS" on the door.

" Well shit, Max looks like we were discovered and not necessarily in a nice way." Chloe looks dumbfounded at the door wondering why anyone and who did this. Max stands up and walks out the door and knocks on Victorias door. Victoria answers the door,

" The hell you want Caulfield it's really early for a Saturday." Victoria asks with the usual bitchy voice she has.

" Well, Victoria I want to know who wrote that on our door." Max points to their door with the bright red word covering the door.

" Well shit Max I saw a couple of the jocks follow you two in here last night but I went out so I don't know if they did it." Victoria stands at her door waiting for Max to leave.

" Well thanks Victoria, see you later." Max turns around and takes Chloe's hand.

"Let's go get breakfast." Chloe trots after Max who is visibly mad. Chloe and Max walk to her truck.

" Max do you want to say anything to the dean?" Max angrily gets in the truck.

" NO CHLOE I WANT BREAKFAST!" Chloe recoils away from the truck, she has a look in her eyes Max had only seen when David was yelling at her.

" I'm sorry Chloe I shouldn't yell at you, you did nothing." Max looks at Chloe signaling for her to get in the truck.


Chloe gets in and turns on the truck she looks at Max who is now staring out the window clearly mad at herself for yelling at Chloe. Chloe grabs Max's hand,

" don't be mad at yourself you didn't know." Chloe turns Max's face and looks into her eyes, Max looks at Chloe with instead of anger, sadness.

" Hey let's go get that breakfast now huh" Chloe leans in and kisses Max. Max nods yes and Chloe backs out of her parking space and drives off to the diner. Which is very similar to Two Whales except not destroyed, and also its named Two Seals. The drive is about twenty minutes and the two girls sit and drive in silence until Chloe spoke up-

" Do you know what you want to get or are you gonna try something new?" Chloe glances over at Max who is still looking out the window and gripping her leg. Max only responds with only a grunt and a small movement of her shoulders. They reach the diner and Chloe rubs Max's leg before getting out of the truck.

"Let's go inside." Chloe gets out of the truck walks around and opens the door for Max. Max gets out of the car and shuffles alongside Chloe. They sit down at their normal booth and Chloe reaches over the table and holds Max's hand.

" Maxie please say something, I'm really worried about you." Max doesn't say anything and only looks away from Chloe but she doesn't move her hand. The waitress comes over and Chloe orders for both of them. Max gets up and moves over next to Chloe, she scoots as close as possible to Chloe and Max lays her head on her shoulder, Max begins to cry.

" Why does everyone hate me Chloe why...?" her voice trails off as she continues to cry. Chloe puts her arm around Max and kisses her cheek.

" I don't hate you there are probably many people who do because Arcadia bay was destroyed, but I have this gut feeling that it will subside it will take time but it will don't worry." Chloe continues to comfort Max. The food arrives and Max returns to her regular self. On the way home, Max asks-

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