New Dawn

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It had been three years since David threw out Chloe, Max had completed school and her and Chloe had moved into a house together. Max had gotten grants to have her own studio in the small town in which they moved into after the storm, the town was named, Creek Meadow.

Max, babe get up we have to get to work, Chloe said shaking Max awake. Chloe had taken a modeling job at Maxs studio and a part-time job at the Two Seals, the local diner, where she gets to work with her mom. The pay from their jobs is enough to feed, clothe, and house them, with extra so that they are not living pay check to paycheck.

Noooo, five more minutes Max groggily protests

No, babe gets up, you said five more minutes five minutes ago. Chloe had taken a new lease on life after she was kicked out by David, shes still the sexy punk rocker she was before just, she quit smoking, drinks less and is significantly more affectionate and compassionate than three years ago.

Fine, there better be bacon and coffee ready. Max gets out of bed stretches and kisses Chloe before going and taking a shower. Max leaves the shower and puts on a black tank top and some blue skinny jeans that are ripped at the knees. Max walks into the kitchen fueled by the smell of breakfast.

Damn Max, Im so glad you picked up my style a bit, you look hella sexy, Chloe says glancing sideways at her girlfriend. Max doesnt reply, Chloe knows that Max is too tired on Mondays to talk that early. Chloe hands Max a coffee and a plate of food, Max sits down at the table and after drinking her coffee and eating her breakfast she perks up and talks.

You know we have that dress shoot today so if you havent please go shave your legs. Max gestures towards the bathroom while looking at Chloe.

Already did Maximillian. Chloe sticks her legs out from below the table to show Max that she had already shaved them. Max nor Chloe had much contact with anybody except Kate but they hadnt talked in a year or so. The two women leave the house and drive down to the studio they set everything up and wait for the dresses to arrive. Five minutes later Kate walks in pushing a rack with dresses.

Oh my gosh, Kate how have you been. Max runs up to Kate and gives her a hug. As Kate pulls away her ring catches Maxs shirt. Max looks down to see Kate wearing an engagement ring.

Kate youre getting married, to who? At that moment Victoria walks into the room also pushing a rack with dresses. Kate smiles and looks away. Max gets the hint.

Hey Victoria, hows it been? Max extends her hand for a friendly handshake.

I take it you two are getting married Chloe pipes up gesturing towards Kates ring. Kate looks at Victoria and takes her hand.

Yes, we are my parents arent too happy about it obviously, but they will survive they survived me telling them I was dating her. Victoria nods in agreement

Victoria could you come with me please and bring the dresses with you. Victoria follows Chloe to the back. Max and Kate sit on the couch and wait for Chloe and Victoria to return.

Kate huh, shes a nice girl, but I have a question for you, Chloe says while finding a dress to put on.

Hit me, Victoria says laying some dresses on the couch.

Well you know how much I love Max and I want to make that eternal, ya know like marry her I just dont know what to do, so could you like give me pointers or something? Chloe asks while changing behind a curtain.

Well just say what you think, speak from the heart. Max is a simple girl so an expensive ring isnt a must.

Chloe walks out from behind the curtain wearing a dress that reaches down to the floor its white and covered in lace.

This is a wedding dress, Vic. Chloe is looking at herself in the mirror.

Not my style exactly but I think Max would look so good in it. Chloe turns in the mirror admiring the dress.

Look, Chloe, if were going to get through all these dresses you need to hurry up, Kate says pushing the second rack into the room. Max walks in behind her but quickly turns and takes a couple steps away from the door.

HOLY SHIT SHES SO HOT! Max yells from the other room, this gets a fit of laughter from the other girls. Max walks back into the room and Chloe looks at Max with her shit-eating grin.

So, you like huh, want to see me wear it for you someday. Chloe jokingly asks

Yep is Maxs only response as she leaves the room again to go get her camera.

What the hell is that supposed to mean, do you think she wants to get married? Chloe looks at Kate for some kind of answer. Chloe looks at the floor sadly thats if it was legal. Max re-enters the room and pushes Chloe over to the large white sheet of paper. Max puts her new (and expensive) camera on the tripod. Chloe did some poses before walking behind the curtain and putting on the next dress. This cycle continued until closing time they had not finished all the dresses and had half a rack to go but all four women were tired.

Hey do you two want to go get dinner and stay at our place tonight we have an extra bedroom. Max asks before getting in Chloes brand-new truck. Kate looks at her fiancé with a pleading look. Victoria sighs and nods.

Yeah sure, why not we should catch up anyway. Victoria and Kate get in their car and wait for Max and Chloe to leave. When they do Victoria, who is driving follows behind them to the Two Seals. The four of them walk inside and see Joyce happily humming away. She walks over to the table where they had sat down and took their orders pouring each of them a cup of decaf coffee. The duo of duos had finished eating and sat and chatted, laughing, and sharing news and Kate gave Max and Chloe a save the date for the wedding. They leave at closing time and drive towards Max and Chloes house. They stop and park in the driveway, Chloe leans over a kisses, Max.

That was actually kind of fun Maxy, Victoria has changed a lot she isnt a bitch anymore. Max nods in agreement and gets out of the truck. Max and Chloe lay on the hood waiting for Victoria and Kate to arrive. They only had to wait a few minutes before the two pulled up in their small grey sedan. Kate got out carrying a small bag and Victoria pulled out a small suitcase. They followed Max and Chloe inside. Chloe sat down on the couch and turned on the news. Max showed Kate and Victoria to their room.

So how is this wedding going to work anyhow, same-sex marriage is illegal in the U.S.? Max asks sitting on the bed.

Kate explains we are waiting supposedly sometime soon the Supreme Court should be ruling in favor to legalize same-sex marriage in all states.

Chloe erupts with joy from the living room Everyone come here now! All three of them rush to the living room only to see the headline-


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