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I was currently helping my cook some food for our guests, I don't know why is she starting so early we still have hours before they come I rolled my eyes at her

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I was currently helping my cook some food for our guests, I don't know why is she starting so early we still have hours before they come I rolled my eyes at her.

"I saw that"nothing goes past my mother. I opened the cabinets to look for some sugar that I needed to add in my cake

"mom did you forgot the sugar?" I asked her closing the cabinets behind me and stood besides her, she was marinating  chicken she looked up and thought for a second 

"oh I think I did" she made a sorry face at me 

"do you want me to make you a sugarless cake?" I smiled at her sweetly, note the sarcasm.

she glared at me "Ella PLEASE be a dear and get some sugar" guess I got my sarcasm from  my mom

"FINE but I am buying myself some chocolates also" I stuck my tongue out to her and ran upstairs to get my flannel and my phone.

I decided to walk to the store, its not that far anyways plus the weather is pretty nice. I tucked my headphones into my ears and listened to some music, walking while listening  to music makes me feel like I am in a video or something. I am so stupid sometimes.

I entered my local store, its a pretty small store but they have almost everything. I smiled at the lady on the counter but she ignored me and got back to doing whatever she was doing on her phone 

"rude" I muttered to myself and went to the baking aisle only to find the sugar on the top shelf

"are you serious how in the hell am I going to reach to you STUPID FUCKING SUGAR" wow I was just talking to a packet of sugar. I suddenly felt a body behind me before I could turn around a husky voice spoke in my ear

" do you want some help with that?" I could feel his warm breath on my ear making shivers go down on my body, before I could respond he rest one hand on my waist and reached for the sugar, his body brushed against mine and damn I could feel his abs I could tell this guy was a looker and I haven't even seen his face yet. He handed me the packet and I turned around to say thank you but as soon as a saw his face I became speechless he was wearing a hood that was covering his eyes and he was way.... too close to me I felt his warm breath fan over my face, he lifted his fingertips and traced my lips "what the fuck Ella get away from him" I thought to myself and broke from whatever magic he just did on me. I removed his hand that was by the way still on my waist resting oh so comfortably and walked away to the counter to pay for the sugar, the lady on the counter was still rude and decided to not even acknowledge me when I told her to hurry up "for god's sake how long does it take, its just one packet" I thought to myself. I looked behind me to check if that guy was still here and he was right where I left him and he was staring at me I could not tell properly since his eyes were covered but I could still feel his gaze. I turned to lady and groaned " you know what keep  the change" I took my bag and flee towards the door not before taking a last glance at him, he had a sinister smile on his face which scared the shit out of me. I ran out of the shop as fast as I can.

I was panting by the time I got to my house, I closed the door behind me and headed towards the kitchen to get some water. I opened my fridge and took two bottles out and started gulping on them " damn I need to work out" 

"save some for the fishes honey" my mom entered the kitchen wearing a bathrobe and a towel around her head. She looks like she just got out of the shower "and why are you panting like a dog"
"umm... I..." FUCK think of a lie Ella think, if I tell my mom about that guy she is gonna freak out and overreact and think the worst and I don't want that " I-I thought t-that I was getting out of shape and maybe I should start running" I tried to put my best poker face on and hopefully she won't catch my lie 

"you decided to work out right now?" she raised her eyebrows at me looking at me if was out of my mind 

" YUP"

"okay... go get a shower you stink and our guests are gonna be here in 1 hour so get ready"

I ran up to my room and took a breath of relief, thank god she didn't asked me any more questions.

I dropped on my bed and and thought of everything that has been happening, maybe I should just put a smile on my face and try to enjoy tonight and maybe I might meet someone nice,  sounds like a plan to me. I grinned and took some clothes out of my closet to wear tonight.

"better be ready for me new neighbours" 

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