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And this the cafeteria, I told Justin as we entered the room, it was usual as always filled with kids, some are joking around and making too much noise and some are in the corner trying to study or reading a book " I should warn you about the food, its pretty nasty so you better bring your own " 

" I will keep that in mind " Justin replied with a small smile.

I looked around and saw my friends with Mike sitting at a table eating. I was kinda shocked to see THE MIKE actually sitting and laughing with them, I mean its not that he is not nice but he has his own group "the cool kids" he always hangs out with them 

" HEY ELLA " Katie yelled from her table making some people stare at her she was waving her trying to get my attention 

" Do you know her? "  Justin was looking at her like she is crazy or something which at the moment she does look crazy 

" apparently, we should go before she starts doing backflips " I swear this girl can do anything for attention. I dragged Justin to our table and introduced him before Katie starts pestering me about him

" Guys this is Justin, Justin this is Katie, Mike and Jenna whom you have already met " everyone was waving at him I looked over at Justin who just gave them all a tight smile and took out his phone, I guess he is pretty shy I shrugged and sat next to Mike and Justin took a seat next to me and starts playing some game on his phone I ignored him and turned to Mike who was already staring at me I smiled sheepishly at him 

" hey "


GOD! I can be such an idiot sometimes, I should probably start a conversation before he thinks I am a LOSER. I don't know why but when it comes to him I just loose all my ability to talk and my confidence .

" So how come you are sitting with us today? " WOW I managed a full sentence without stuttering in front of him.

" Well I was hoping if you would like to go out with me " WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. MIKE , MY CRUSH JUST ASKED ME GO OUT WITH HIM. OH MY GAWD. THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. OMG Ella calm your tits, act cool I thought to myself. 

" yeah sure " I opened my lunch trying to distract myself from jumping up and down on my seat I just can't contain my excitement.

" okay then I will text you " he got up from his seat and waved everyone goodbye .

I looked around to see Katie trying to get Justin's attention who was not even looking up from his phone and he was still playing some stupid game but obviously  Katie  ignored the fact that he is not interested, it was actually quite funny to see her struggling so much with a guy since she has half of the school falling on her feet.

I turned towards Jenna who had a huge smirk on her face and we both screamed at the same time 

" OH MY GOD GUYS WHAT IS UP WITH YOU TWO " Katie asked trying to shush us down

" Mike just asked Ella to go out with him " Jenna answered clapping her hands

" OH MY GOD I am so happy for you, its about time you go out because you have been crushing on him for years " 

" I know I am so excited. I like him so much I can't wait to go on a date with him "  I suddenly heard a chair pulled out next to me and saw Justin storming out of the cafeteria with an angry look on his face " what's his problem? " I don't know why is he being so mean, he is new to our school doesn't he want friends I mean being like this won't help him.

" he is weird " Jenna said

" he is cute"  Katie said 

I rolled my eyes at both of them, we should not judge him too soon maybe he is nervous or something , I just shrugged at both of them and continued eating my lunch. 

( Justin's POV ) 

I stormed out of the cafeteria and out of this stupid fucking school I wish I could just blow this piece of shit right now  but I am trying to stay low. I hopped into my car and sped my way to my mansion. FUCK FUCK FUCK. How can she say she likes that motherfucker. I just wanted to punish her for even thinking about him. I will have to teach that guy who Ella belongs to.

I need to destroy her date and I am gonna enjoy it so much. 

" Iam gonna show you who you belong to my love "

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