traggob disaster

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"Black Hat? Could I talk to you for a second?" Dementia asks first thing after breakfast, "In private."

Black Hat nods, pushing himself up out of his chair and following her to just outside the dining room.

"You know, I find it kind of strange. How you act around Dr. Flug, I mean." Dementia says, dropping the innocent act. "He cuts himself, you have cuts. You stopped treating him like garbage around the time you also started the new habit of just stroking your arms."

Black Hat looks away, unable to believe an idiot like Dementia was able to figure out who his soulmate was. If she wasn't implying that, then what?

"Black Hat..." Dementia calls his attention back to her, looking into his eyes, a rare serious glint in her eyes. "Is Dr. Flug your soulmate?"

There it is, Black Hat blushed furiously, but this time, did not take his eyes away from Dementia. Before he could respond, 5.0.5. entered the hallway and beckoned them to follow him. They shoot one last glance at one another and then follow 5.0.5., who leads them to the lab.

"Oh good, you g-guys are here! I just finished this amazing new invention! Okay, so it's called..."

Tuning him out Dementia realized that, not so strangely anymore, he was slightly smiling as the scientist rambled on and on about his newest thing. Dementia smirked to herself, chuckling quietly to herself, before tuning back into the scientific dribble.

"So, in short, the Toggarb shows the person you shoot it at their deepest and darkest fear! Who wants to volunteer to go?"

She wasn't sure, but she thought she may be hearing actual cricket noises around the lab.

"U-um... Is everyone s-sure?" More crickets. "O-okay... I guess I'll shoot myself."

Dr. Flug slowly turned the gun on himself, very hesitant to shoot himself. Black Hat seemed to be almost in pain, on the verge of volunteering himself just so Dr. Flug didn't have to. 5.0.5. just wanted all his friends to be happy. And Dementia was just curious to see what would happen.

Dr. Flug shoots himself, almost dropping the gun afterwards. He carefully placed it down on the table afterward and took a few deep breathes before turning around to face whatever was conjured by the ray.

A person stood in from of him. Dr. Flug couldn't distinguish any features except... All of the same scars he's had to look at every time he looks in a mirror.

Oh. Oh god no.

Flug starts shaking before the thing can even open it's mouth, intelligible speech falling out of his mouth and falling to the floor.

"Look what you've done to me." The pretend soulmate says, their expression turning into one of absolute hatred. "Look at what you've done! I had a chance in life, I had a chance in life without ever meeting you. But look what you've done to my arms..." he shoves his arm into Flag's face, ignoring the way he was hyperventilating, "and my face!"

Dr. Flug let out a sob, curling in on himself and letting out tiny little sorrys as he begged for an imaginary person's forgiveness. Little did he know, his soulmate was actually there too.

Said soulmate stepped up, feeling positively awful he sat and watched this happen to his soulmate. Black Hat took to gun, flicked the reverse button and shot the fake soulmate, watching happily as it disappeared without much hassle.

"Dr. Flug?" Black Hat questioned, unusually gentle for the time being and he draped his arm across Dr. Flug's shaking form. Upon receiving no answer, he prompted the scientist once again, only for the other man to let out a weak sob in return.

"They won't l-love me. I know they won't. How c-could they after all I've d-done to them?" Flug said, subconsciously drawing closer into Black Hat's arms. "I-I've mutilated them."

"Your soulmate..." Black Hat says, trailing off as he contemplates what to say, "Could never hate you. Ever. I could basically assure you that. I mean, isn't the best thing about soulmates unconditional love?"

Dr. Flug looked up at that, seeking the eyes of the man who was comforting him. It was rather out of character for the man he knew. But Black Hat's eyes would not meet his, settled on something farther back in the lab.

"Besides, if your soulmate hated you just because you cut yourself and had an... Accident, they would be the real monster."

"No!" Dr. Flug insisted, wildly, "My soulmate has every reason in the world to hate me. E-who cuts open their flesh knowing they're cutting someone else's open too?"

Black Hat didn't really know what to say to that, so he went back to his default setting.

"Shut up." Black Hat said, not taking his arms away from Dr. Flug's body. So, there they sat on, two soulmates, one in pain because he was oblivious and the other one oblivious because he was in pain.

Dementia watched the entire thing and wanted to bash her head in.

((Edited in Author' Note- URGH FINALS. I'm pretty stressed, but not stressed enough to not update. I really hope you guys are liking this, because otherwise I may break down and cry. Just kidding ;-) . Oh right! I'm not sure on this yet but I think some serious Shit is gonna go down next chapter. Did anyone get the Harry Potter reference?))

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