whaat? this was totally unexpected

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Dr. Flug was able to excel in any number of things. Mathematics? Easy as pie. Theoretical Science? No problem.

Dealing with your housemates and boss after you had a mental breakdown right in front of them? Not so fun. If there was one thing Dr. Flug was truly awful at, it would be social situations.

So what did the scientist do other than work himself into the ground? After his 27th (or 28th?) hour alone in his lab, the lack of sleep and water was really starting to get to him. He was only human. So, deciding to further beat around the bush, he took the lesser traversed route to the kitchen.

Unfortunately for the avoidant doctor, someone else also had the same idea. And that someone, as you could tell by their voice as they sang was Black Hat. Wait, Black Hat was singing?

Dr. Flug blushed shoving himself into the corner of the corridor that, he hoped, may be safe from Black Hat's line of sight. Dr. Flug begrudgingly acknowledged the fact that Black Hat had a nice voice. Once again, the song Black Hat was singing was right on the tip of his tongue. It was so frustrating that he couldn't remember it.

Black Hat rounds the corner on the far end of the hallway, stack of papers in one hand and a pen in the other, clad in his typical suit and looking like he hadn't slept in years. Though, Dr. Flug supposed, he must look just as bad. Black Hat quietly sang the song, the words becoming easier to hear as he drew closer to the only semi-hidden scientist.

"Ohh, I promise will never,

"Never means forever,

"Never ever leave you alone

"My baby boy, I love you so."

The realization of what he's singing hit Dr. Flug like a punch. Black Hat's singing Flug's mother's old lullaby for him. How does he know that song?

"How do you know that song?" Dr. Flug demanded, stepping out of the shadows, forgetting how tired and thirsty he was in his shock. Black Hat stiffened and dropped all his papers, seemingly realizing what he was singing and who heard him.

"Dr. Flug." Black Hat stated in hidden surprise, not turning around to face him, "Why do you think I know that song?"

Dr. Flug gulped, realizing what Black Hat was implying. He opened his mouth to say something, only for no words to come out. Black Hat slowly turned around to face him, nothing but cold resignation in his eyes. Dr. Flug fidgeted under the gaze of both his superior and other half. He looked to the ceiling, thinking of all the times Black Hat had acted strange around him these past weeks.

"How long have you known?" Dr. Flug asks, the words catching in his trought. He didn't know if he was choking on happiness or sadness. He settled on both.

"Since I saw you without your bag when you were sleeping one night, sick." Black Hat answered, his face blocked off and unresponsive, his posture tense and guarded.

Dr. Flug didn't know what to say. The last time he was sick was nearly a month ago. Black Hat had known for that long and hadn't told him? Flug had cried in his arms, spewing saddened insecurities that his soulmate didn't love him, and he didn't come clean then?

"I need some time to think." Flug settled for, forgetting his much needed trip to the kitchen and making his way straight back to the lab to work himself to death. And behind him, he left a shattered Black Hat, papers all over the floor and a empty space in his chest.

"I knew this would happen." He would say, and repeat to himself all the way back to his office, shoving weakly past and concerned 5.0.5. and Dementia.

((Author's Note- Who BOY is that some SPICY ANGST or WHAT. Sorry this was kind of short, I'm just super tired right now.))

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