oh nooo

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((Authors note- I hate cars, but I love writing. So I'm writing in the car on an hour long drive to the capital of my state. Rip me))

Black Hat almost glides down the hallway towards Dr. Flug's lab, giddy with nervous excitement. Why hadn't he thought of it sooner? He'll just win back Dr. Flug's affections! He silently thanks Dementia for her kind words. Knowing her huge crush on him and all, he would have assumed she would have a breakdown. She has been proving herself very trustable these last few weeks. Reaching his destination, Black Hat flings open the door, mouth open to call out to Flug and slight actual smile on his face. When he sees the state of the lab, his smile falls.

The lab looked, in short, like a tornado had run through it. Projects he had never seen before lay broken on the floor, blueprints shredded on the floor, and a new huge dent in the wall. Emotions flashed through his body so fast he could barely decipher them. Disgust at the state of the lab, rage at who had done this, confusion at... why this had been done. Finally, when he had settled, he had only one question in the forefront of his mind.

"Where is Flug?" He murmured to himself, picking up one of the less shredded blueprints. It was scribbled all over, rendering comments Flug had scribbled all over the designs to a new ray gun nearly unreadable. Black Hat's eyes fall through a rather large tear in the paper and fall on a neatly folded piece of paper laying on Flug's desk. The only one that had not been shredded into pieces. Though he may want to scramble over to it as fast as he could, he retained his composure and walked over calmly.

"To Black Hat" it was neatly addressed to. He folded it open, eyes widening on what had Ben written. "By now, I'm sure you've become aware that your soulmate has gone missing. Kidnapped, in fact! Yes, I have figured out that your Doctor Flug is your soulmate. And you are never going to get your brilliant inventor back. Don't worry, I'll put him to good use."

Black Hat's dropped the note in horror and anger. He immediately noticed a camera he had never seen before stationed in the lab.


He immediately noticed a camera he had never seen before stationed in the lab.

Which, in retrospect, is a strange first thing to noticed when you're being pinned to the ground by two, unnaturally large greyhounds. They were, for your information, definitely not his.

"Tell Black Hat that I have his little soulmate." the guy who looked like he was trying way to hard to be the perfect villain said, twirling his mustache in one finger and sounding like he was straight of an old movie and he had just tied a damsel to the train tracks. "But make it sound menacing."

Dr. Flug struggled in his restraints, but it was to no avail. These weird greyhounds would not let him up.

"Now then," The villain said, turning back to Flug with an evil glint in his eye he could just not take seriously. It took everything in Flug not to break out in laughter. "Where were we?"


Dementia could hear Black Hat's yell from all the way to her room (which was on the fourth floor, while the lab is in the basement). Oh no, was all she could think as she stood up and ran toward the basement.

What Is Going On? [Paperhat Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now