Brandy (Brook and Andy 34)

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Brook's POV
I was currently in the court room back in Dublin, and my heart was beating faster than ever.

I'd explained the situation and and we'd talk a little. Emma backed me up which I was really greatful for, but now was decision time.

I escaped jail, so would they put me back in or give me a chance? I was shaking in my skin, so nervous to what they'd say.

"You have given your side of the story, and we have listened to and examined both your views, Andy Fowler's, and Emma Walters'. This situation has to be sorted properly and your opinion has been a crucial part to our decision. We have discussed the matter regarding our evidence and decided that you have broken the code of conduct within Windsor cells."

My mouth dropped, as the words poured out of the old woman's mouth. I'd felt so much more confident and more powerful standing on this stand with my own mic and stuff.

But now I felt vulnerable, as Andy would say. God I'd probably never hear him say it again.

"Brooklyn Wyatt Gibson, you have been sentenced to 7 years in prison. No exceptions." She stated bluntly, banging some sort of wooden thing on the desk.

My eyes pooled with water as two big men came over and grabbed each of my arms.

Looking up, I felt so small. I'd been waiting for this moment, praying that Emma would be able to help us out, I mean, she tried her best, but I wasn't gonna see Andy for 7 years!

I couldn't bring myself to turn around, I wanted to smile at him one last time, before I entered the jail cell, but I couldnt bring myself to do it.

Tears pooled I'm my eyes as I imagined the look on Andy's face. He was to strong to cry, he couldn't, I couldn't.

Attempting to wipe my eye with the palm of my hand, I felt the grip on my wrists tighten, and then handcuffs were placed onto me.

I was honestly so scared, but I'd been through it before. Only then, I had a way out. But there was no way out of this, I was stuck in this place for 7 years where Andy would probably forget about me.

Andy's POV
"BROOK!!! NOOO!" I cried as Emma gripped my arms and pulled me back. I wanted to go in there and just bring him back so badly, but I knew I couldn't.

"I can't loose him." I sobbed as Emma rubbed my back. "Not again." I whispered before she led me out of the court area. Emma drove me back to her office and said I could sleep they're the night, otherwise I'd be alone.

And she said she was staying overnight to catch up on some work anyway. She was generally such a Nice person.

"Thankyou Emma. Really." I wiped my eyes, walking up the stairs and collapsing on the couch. "I'm so sorry. I really did try." She replied, before coughing awkwardly.

"You really should get some rest." She stated, smiling a little and throwing a pillow and blanket towards me.

I smiled back, thanking her. My eyed began to feel heavier and my body began to feel weaker. I was dozing off.

"Night." She told me, still smiling. "Night." I said, trying nor to cry. Brook would be stuck in that place for 7 years, where he would just forget about me.

Okay guys I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I wasn't planning on ending this here actually but things have changed and this is in fact the last ever chapter. I know it wasn't the best and I didn't write about the whole thing in court because I have no clue what even happens in court lol but Yeh this story is officially over, for now, I really hope you liked it and I'm so thankful for the people who have been reading, commenting and voting, its meant so much to me honestly!! Ily lots and lots and I hope you have a great day! (Be sure to check out my other books ;)  0<33

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