Beside the Sapphire Sea

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Lina's mind was a swirl of blue. Various hues of teal, cobalt, and sapphire fogged her brain, with mists of gray taking over some shades. Even splotches of inky blackness seeped in.

She was curled up underneath a threadbare blanket in the safe cove of her room. Bits of bickering and yelling bled through her doorway, causing Lina to shiver with growing anxiety. Liliane and Mama had been at it for several hours, as Liliane's wounds had only just begun to heal when she showed up last night with her other eye blackened and blood cracked across her lips.

When would the fighting stop? Hadn't Liliane suffered enough without Mama verbally harming her further?

Lina shifted her attention back to the letter before her, feeling its rough, papery edges against her hands. The words never ceased to haunt her. Poor Byron, his child and true love whisked away just like that. Thinking of his heart-wrenching situation continued to affect her. Sighing, she yearned to find Byron and his idiotic wife, Birdie. And of course, little Stella. So many mysteries about this strange city she wished to uncover.

A tint of turquoise surfaced from the sea of gray as she thought about Luka and his graceful fingers that created music dripping in sorrow and sentiment. And the little girl, Cerise. Perhaps she was naive, but Lina admired the sunshine that radiated from her.

As Lina's fingers grazed the elegant handwriting, a sudden, odd yelp exploded from the kitchen. No, not a yelp. A shriek. Chills raced down her spine, little goosebumps spreading on her pale skin. A wave of inky blackness washed over all shades of blue.

Trembling ever so slightly, Lina rose from her bed, creaking open the door that separated tranquility from terror. As she stepped out into the kitchen, the scene before her caused her heart to stop.

Sobs erupted from Liliane. They were louder, more desperate than Lina had ever heard before. "Mama, Mama...please," she sobbed. Lina's mouth fell agape, shocked. Her timid, broken little sister sat crouched behind a kitchen chair, as if it would somehow protect her from their mother's wrath. A fresh stream of blood gushed from her nose as Mama stood, her shadow towering over her in defiant dominance.

Mama's lips appeared to pull back, like a wolf's when it would snarl. "I'll hit you again, child, if I ever catch you carrying books for that boy again." She signed along, her hands violently slashing through the air.

"But Mama, it's not his fault his friends beat me up!" Liliane cried. "He would never do anything—"

"Silence!" Mama roared, nearly smacking a vase off the counter with her hands. "Did he do anything to stop his friends from abusing you? Tell me that, Liliane. Associating with entitled scoundrels like that is what gets you into trouble. You know how I feel about boys at your age, Liliane, especially ones like that arrogant jerk."

Her words provoked a flood of tears to fall down Liliane's cheeks. Fuming, Mama turned around to glare at her other daughter, yet all Lina could do was glance at Papa standing in the corner and silently beg for help. He merely looked away, however, and distractedly smoothed his disheveled shirt, knowing there was little he could do.

"Did you know about this?" Mama demanded.

Lina's gaze met her mother's. Hesitant. She shook her head vigorously, casting a glance at the little girl glued behind the chair. Guilt pooled in the pit of her stomach. Shouldn't she be defending her younger sister? Helping her?

Anger burned in Mama's eyes. She inched closer to Lina. "Tell me, with words, exactly what you know about this."

She felt the entire room's eyes fall on her. Anticipation hung in the air, as thick as honey but not as sweet. Lina's heart fluttered rapidly, to the point where she could feel it pounding on her rib cage. She opened her mouth ever so slightly, and then, within a second, slammed it shut. She shook her head. I can't.

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