Crimson Cobblestone

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The salty Marseilles breeze stroked Lina's hair as she walked the streets, running its fingers through each individual strand. Glancing to the side, Lina was suddenly aware of the vast emptiness that stretched out next to her. Something missing. She sighed, picturing his fingers flying across the ivory keys. Luka had his own things to worry about, like finding a new job.

Clutching the crumpled paper in her hand, Lina's feet slowed as she approached a looming willow tree. The man at the bookstand she had asked for directions this morning had said to look out for this tree, for almost directly behind it resided a woman of the name Helain Breton.

And sure enough, as she rounded the willow tree, there lay a blue pastel cottage, white trim spraying the edges like gentle waves in the ocean. Her breath stuck inside her throat as the damp earth, still wet from the rainstorm, seeped into her socks. This had to be it. She could feel it in her fluttering heart that this was the woman who knew where Stella was.

This was the woman who could save her and her sister. Who could save Luka.

For after they kissed, it was then Lina realized she could not let him run away without her.

As her knuckles rapped against the cream-colored door, she tucked away those pleasant dreams of her own small cottage with the people she loved most. In the distance, a grasshopper clicked, each beat a ticking clock that shadowed Lina wherever she went. It was just when she was about to turn away that the door creaked open, revealing a woman with the blackest of plaited hair, falling all the way down to her hips.

"May I help you?" Her voice was a gentle kiss, sweet honey dripping from her words. Her gentle hazel eyes, sparkling against her pale blue dress, beckoned for Lina to come in.

Lina forced a smile upon her lips, handed her the pre-written note. I am Lina. I am mute, but there is so much we need to talk about. I am looking for something extremely valuable, and I have been told you can help me. I believe you are the one who knows where a special locket is.

Lina held her breath in anticipation, hoping Helain wouldn't figure out that she was Adalene's daughter. They were obviously somehow connected, and the last thing she needed was this woman spilling everything to her mother and ruining it all. Lina raised her eyebrows, hope crested in her eyes. Please, don't slam the door shut. Please, give me a chance.

Helain backed away slightly, the note crumpling in her grasp. Her face blanched, a look of not only shock but also confusion smearing her face. Several minutes of silence lingered in the air, a humid fog.

Finally, the words tumbled out of her mouth, tangled and knotted up. "You want to find... the locket?" She chuckled softly, yet it came out as more of a whimper. "This makes absolutely no sense, unless you're working for him."

Lina bit her lip. She had a feeling this was coming. Lina stepped forward, imagining Luka's hand intertwining with hers. You can do this. "I thought that might be a concern of yours," she wrote. "It's not like that, though. You see, me and Luka, my friend, are well acquainted with some of Birdie's and Byron's friends, and they've expressed some concerns about her wellbeing, and have asked for our assistance. Stella's in danger, we're all in danger, and if we don't find her, well, people will get hurt. Please." The lie tumbled onto the paper easily, a waterfall of words gushing onto the concrete.

Helain's hand slowly drifted to her mouth. "Luka? You mean, Luka Fuhrmann?"

Lina furrowed her eyebrows. "You know him then?"

Helain's expression remained unmoved, her hands waving around frantically as if she hadn't read what Lina had to say. "He must just want the locket, a sentimental family heirloom that he wants back. It is a very beautiful locket, and perhaps it is a reminder of her." She emerged from the doorway, plopping down on the steps.

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