Shattered Hopes

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Luka paced back and forth in the attic above the bookstore, surrounded by heaping piles of decaying books. The aroma of yellowed paper and faint ink permeated the air. The moonlight cast a strange beam on the wooden floor, illuminating his muddy shoes. Sighing, he rifled his fingers through his pocket, feeling over the smooth, silky engravings on the tiny heart. He hesitated, then grasped the chain and pulled it out, holding it up to the moonlight. It glinted in the white light, the glint he had been waiting for so long.

For there it was, right in his hands.

Sighing, he continued pacing. Mechanic, detached. All that occupied his mind at that moment was the sound of her sweet voice penetrating his ears. Like a jasmine flower, suddenly blooming into life, producing the loveliest of aromas. In fact, it was more beautiful than anything Luka had ever heard in his life.

And he didn't want to take that away.

Hesitating, he held up the tiny gold locket, blinking his eyes into focus as they swept over its detailed, floral engravings. So simple, scarcely deemed worthy of even a tiny sum, yet desired by so many. After stealing so many necklaces, he'd finally stolen the right one. He hadn't even had to break into Helain's Breton's home, like most thieves do when they are after something.

He had merely strolled right in, invited as he had asked to borrow a book. As the kettle squealed in the kitchen, the aroma of fresh lavender and thyme penetrating the air, Luka had simply meandered into Helain's bedroom, admired the gold necklace draped on her nightstand, and pocketed it. Yet as he'd spun around to receive his steaming cup of tea, however, a particular picture had caught his eye. Or rather, dozens of them had.

When he found the chocolate eyes staring into his, the man's arms flung around the same girl making tea down the hall, the locket practically came crashing to the floor. Shock paralyzed his entire body, the only feeling beginning to seep through was that of pure rage. In that moment, he had thought of the times Helain affectionately rubbed his hand, invited him in with that warm smile of hers.

All the while, she had betrayed his own mother and violently forced her out. Helain had stolen Luka's father and broken his mother.

It was then that any doubt of stealing something back from her flew out of Luka's mind.

Anger bubbled in his heart as Luka recalled that moment, his hand clutching the necklace harder in the dim moonlight of Curt's attic. Just as he ceased pacing, the door creaked open, greeting him with the scruffy grin of the bookstore owner. Luka returned the hello with a melancholy smile, still cradling the gold locket in his hands.

"I thought I'd come check on you," Curt whispered, winking.

"I hope I'm doing the right thing," he whispered, eyes cast to the floor as Curt drew nearer, resting his arm on his shoulder.

Curt sighed, his warm breath lingering in the air. Luka shuddered in dread for what he was about to say, as he knew it would be the opposite of what he wanted to hear. "I know you are trying to protect her," Curt said, his hand still burrowing into Luka's shoulder. "And while you may be protecting her from that woman... Well, perhaps you forget about how easily Lina could destroy herself."

Luka furrowed his eyebrows, pulling away from the old man. "What do you mean?" He bit his tongue back, trying not to snap, though it came out that way anyway.

"Why do you think she was so desperate to find this locket?" he said. "She wanted to find it herself, as if her life depended on it. She even broke into that poor Madame Breton's house looking for it. Luka, there's obviously a reason she wanted it so badly. And you finding it for her and not even telling her, well, it could break her."

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