Crumbling Cobblestone

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Lina shivered as she slid the sock off her left foot, exposing the raw skin to the battering wind on Rue Chape. The looming juniper trees shuddered in the shadows, their branches clawing at any passerby. Little rain drops drizzled down in an early morning mist, and much to Lina's dismay the streets were already coated in a puddle of water. With both boots in one hand, Lina cautiously stepped onto the cobblestone, wincing at the shock of cold.

She couldn't afford to dirty Curt's cousin's floors with her muddy shoes again. The last time, it had resulted in a flurry of yelling from the red-faced old man. And Lina needed to keep this job for the sake of saving her sister. She closed her eyes for a moment as she attempted to push the thought of Stella out of her mind. What if she never found her? Then what?

Luka finally emerged from the apartment building, his eyes brimming with much more energy since the train ride a few days ago. "You ready, Li?" A smile spread across his lips as he held her hand, leading her through the rain-streaked streets of Marseilles.

As they made their way toward the ominous mansion just outside city limits, where they had been working for several weeks now, Lina felt a sparkle in her heart. It seemed to creep up on her at first, as her fingers were intertwined with his, but gradually it seeped throughout her entire body. Every so often, whenever they'd pass a cafe, his chocolate eyes would meet hers, wordlessly sharing a thousand words, and the spark seemed to ignite into something greater.

Lina suddenly flinched as a sharp pain pierced through her foot. She furrowed her eyebrows, shocked to find a river of blood rushing across her skin, having been pierced by a shard of glass. So much for trying to keep her patron's floors clean. Flashing Luka a half-smile, she limped on, not wanting to be late for work.

Yet it was too late, for he'd already seemed to notice her hesitation. Glancing down at the ground, Luka stopped abruptly, nearly causing Lina to trip over an uneven brick. "Lina, what is wrong with your feet?" he asked, his voice cracking with concern.

Lina merely shrugged her shoulders, yet it turned out more like a wince.

"Here, lean on me. Let's get you over there so I can fix that," he murmured. Lina sank into his side, resting her cheek on his shoulder as she limped over to the side of the street. She plopped on the grass, cringing as the water seeped into her dress. Her heart sped up as Luka leaned in, his chocolate eyes firm with concern and concentration.

Why do you care so much? she yearned to ask.

"You need to be more careful. And I'm not just talking about your foot," he whispered. "If anything happened to you..." He trailed off, his eyes locking in with hers. Lina held her breath as she leaned in toward him, a sudden warmth radiating throughout her entire body. His fingers stroked her chin, gently lifting it up as her eyes drifted toward the ground. So gentle, so raw, like fingers dancing across ivory keys.

Lina sucked in her breath. Could this really be happening?

Slowly, her lips met his, and he stole her every thought except one. Slowly, he enraptured her, and like the notes on the piano, it took her breath away and whisked her to a place with frothing waves. It was just her and Luka and the waves--not the German, not the Jew, but Luka. Her fingers glossed over the scars on his olive cheeks, each one not only his but also woven into her heart. Everything she'd been through, all she'd done, all was for a purpose.

When he pulled away, Lina remained frozen, her entire body numb. She scarcely noticed him as he sank onto his heels, his eyes squeezing shut as he bit his lip. Yet the warmth remained inside of her, something she thought she'd never feel again.

"Here, I have a handkerchief in my pocket somewhere," he murmured, his voice oddly shaky. "I'll wrap it up for now and we can clean it later."

Lina nodded, his words jolting her back to reality. Her foot, her job, her sister. He fumbled through his pocket, searching for a piece of cloth. Yet when he finally pulled it out, a yellowed piece of paper tumbled out along with it, falling onto the wet grass. Luka hardly blinked, turning his attention toward her foot.

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