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"I'VE NEVER WANTED to simultaneously punch and make out with someone so badly before."

Ashley let out a snort as Josh sat down angrily just as the bell rang, eyeing the back of Tyler's head with a glare. Tyler glanced over his shoulder, catching the punk's icy glare. He threw a wink with a smirk, before turning back to his book with a snicker. Josh's lip curled into a snarl as his fists clenched, getting out of his seat just for Ashley to grab his arm, shaking her head.

"Don't, dude. You're gonna get over there and suddenly be incapable of anything but empty threats."

Josh scowled at her, yanking his arm out of her grip. He went to stalk over and give that fucking brat a piece of his mind before relaying his options. He sat down again with an angry grumble, Ashley rolling her eyes as she tapped away at her phone.

"Alright, class, we're starting a new project today!"

There was a loud groan from the class and Josh tensed, him and Ashley sharing a look. She grinned wildly, and he glared.

"Don't even say it—"

"Ten bucks says you get partnered with the new kid," she snickered, making him roll his eyes. "We don't even know if she's picking the partners hersel—"

"I will be picking the partners. Please pay attention to when I call your name."

Josh snapped his mouth shut, Ashley flashing him a bright grin.

"What's going on? Why does Josh look more pissed off than usual?"

"Patrick and Pete."

"He's about to be partnered with his crush."

"Shawn and Gus."

"Y'know what? Fuck you. Fuck you too, Hayley."

"Steven and Connie."

"Wha—? What did I do, dickhead?!"

"Dean and Castiel."

"You're both pissing me off! So fuck both of you."

"Hayley and Ashley."

The three quieted and the two girls exchanged grins, Josh scowling. He'd never admit it, but his heartbeat was increasing. He was running out of classmates to be partnered with, and if he really was partnered with Tyler—

"Mitch and Jerome."

He swallowed, rubbing his sweaty palms on his jeans as his two friends giggled at him.

"Fuck you both, Jesus Christ. Don't you have to be bitches somewhere else?"

"Libby and Mack."

"Not until fifth period."

"Elizabeth and Haleema."

The color drained from Josh's face. There were only three people left, and if the next pair was both of them—

"Peter and Wade."

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