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Tyler stared unimpressed at the boy on his doorstep, who was smirking back at him. Josh shrugged, his hands stuffed in his jean pockets as he tried to get a good view of the inside of Tyler's house from the doorstep.

"And you're wearing an apron. How cute."

Tyler rolled his eyes, reminding himself that getting worked up would only prove to encourage Josh to be annoying. The older grinned, stepping forward and trying to pass Tyler so he could enter, but the brunette wasn't moving. Despite the height difference of a good couple inches, the boy still glared up at Josh, and the punk noticed the spatula in the younger boy's hand.

"Yes, I am. In fact, I was in the middle of making dinner because you failed to show up at a reasonable time, and I assumed you weren't coming."

"Well, I'm here now, aren't I?"

Tyler scoffed, his arms crossed across his chest as he leaned against the doorframe. A scowl was clear on his face, but Josh thought he looked adorable, like a pouting child. "I told you to get here at 4 o'clock sharp, Joshua."


"And, it's a quarter past 7:00."

The punk snickered at the glower on Tyler's face, but the younger just rolled his eyes before grabbing the door and attempting to slam it in the other boy's face. Josh, however, stopped the door with his hand, making Tyler grit his teeth.

"Aw, c'mon, sweetheart. Aren't you going to let me help you on our project together?"

Tyler grit his teeth, throwing the door open and pointing the spatula threateningly (as threatening as a spatula can be) at Josh. "Call me sweetheart one more time, and so help me, I swear—" Tyler cut himself off, taking a deep breath and rubbing his eyes, absolutely miffed by the mere presence of this... this punk. He stared dully at josh who had a smug smile on his face.

"Get off of my property before I call the police," he muttered, watching Josh blink in shock before another smile grew on his regrettably attractive face. He shrugged, turning to leave, but yelling over his shoulder, "Hey, it works for me if you wanna do all the work. Means I gotta worry about one less thing."

Tyler held back a snarl, realizing Josh was right.

Josh walked back to his motorcycle feeling confident before a soft hand grabbed the back of his jacket and yanked him backward, making him stumble with a yelp.

"You're not getting off that easy," Tyler spit, dragging him backward, back toward his house. "Hey, hey! Watch the jacket would ya'? This shit rips too easy nowadays—can I at least turn around, so I don't fall and crack my head open on your damn doorstep?!"

Tyler huffed and released his grip on Josh, giving him the chance to turn around and huff, adjusting his jacket and popping the collar. "Sheesh," he muttered, making Tyler roll his eyes. He practically stomped back through his door, waiting there for Josh to follow him into his house.

The punk let out a low whistle once he entered, taking in the house, which was basically a mansion.

The punk let out a low whistle once he entered, taking in the house, which was basically a mansion

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