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i want to thank violetjosh for helping me start this chapter when i was in a slump! you should go and check out their stuff!! it's all very, very good and they are just a lil angel! i hope you enjoy!!


TYLER SAT SILENTLY in his car, which was parked in the school parking lot. He'd been here for the past ten minutes, composing himself for the day. Tyler didn't usually need a moment of self-reflection like this, a moment to prepare himself for the oncoming day, but the boy was secretly quite embarrassed over his behavior around Joshua yesterday.


His soft hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, huffing at the thought of the boy.

Joshua... well, he... he was... Tyler struggled to find a word to fit the tall boy better than the word, 'difficult.' Not only was the punk's presence enough to put Tyler on edge, but Joshua had been plaguing the brunette's mind since his visit the night before, which was a nuisance in itself. It was as if he found pleasure in flustering the small boy, and, really, he did.

Now, normally, Tyler didn't take himself as someone who would blush so easily, but something about Joshua's sharp eyes and smooth words left him with goose bumps.

Tyler scowled as he felt his cheeks began to warm without his consent once again. Luckily, this time there was no one here to witness his embarrassing, rosy tint.

Someone knocked on his window, and Tyler shrieked.

Whipping his head up, Tyler let out a groan, covering his face with his hands. There, outside his window, was Joshua with a big, toothy grin on his face, his eyes crinkling as he snickered.

"What're you blushing about? Daydreaming about me again?"

Tyler gave a glinting glare to the boy outside his window, which only proceeded to make him laugh more. The brunette threw open his door, leaving the sniggering boy staggering backward, nearly falling on his ass.

"You're so clumsy, Joshua," Tyler sighed, biting back a smirk of his own. Josh rolled his eyes, brushing off his jeans. "Ha ha, very funny, Joseph," he muttered.

Tyler shut the door and locked his car, pushing his glasses up on his nose and adjusting his backpack. He began to walk to the entrance of the school, Josh tagging along and making him roll his eyes.

"You know, I'm quite shocked you have yet to call me 'sweetheart.'"

"Hey, I may be a dumbass, but there is no way in hell I'm risking getting my dick cut off by some brat."

"Excuse me?"


"D-did you just refer to me as a... as a brat?!"

"Uh, yeah."

Tyler looked horrified, and Josh was eating it up.

"I am not a brat."

Josh let out a loud, bellowing laugh. He clutched his sides and doubled over, emitting peels of harmonious, regrettably beautiful laughter.

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