first day

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Miles to his dad. Why do I have to go here I'm going to miss my girl friend Grace. Oh yeah about that I forgot Grace is attending  here with you so don't get her in trouble. OMG seriously dad as he hugged his father. No problem miles be good and I have to go so catch you later.

Miles walked into his room and saw that he had Tristan as his roommate and he said so I have you as my roommate as he approached him because he was laying on his bed. Please Miles you know you love me so stop complaining. Yeah I do bring it in bro,  I missed you I can't believe you're here to with me as my roommate. Well your dad made it happen he wanted it a surprise like Grace was a surprise to. Cool is Jonah attending to? Of course he is you know degrassi prep is the it school for rich kids. So what classes do you have bro? I have English, math, science, lunch, music, home ec, and history in that order. We have classes and we are roommates to so cool.

Jonah walks in  and goes to Jonah hugs and kisses him and said baby I missed you oh hey Miles what's up? Nothing much Jonah have you seen Grace? Yeah she's in her room unpacking with Zoe she told me to tell you that she will meet up with you for dinner at 5pm. OK cool thanks Jonah. Want to grab a bite baby Jonah said to Tristan. Yeah sure later miles. Later guys miles said. So Tris was miles surprised to see you in his room? yeah he was happy, who's your roommate? Some arrogant asswhole named zig, he keeps staring at me. Oh baby I'm sorry but let's have lunch. OK let's eat you want your salad as usual? Yes bay it's hot that you know me so well. Oh really how hot baby. So hot baby that I want to lick you to cool you down. Do you think we can go back to your room? Sure let me text miles to see where he's at.

Text convo
t- hey bro where are you at?
M- with Grace in her room why?
T- I wanted to be all e with Jonah in our room.
M- OK no problem text when you are done so I know it's safe for me to come back.
T OK thanks bro and say hi to Grace for me.
M OK bro ttys oh and have fun

End of text conversation

OK Jonah it's safe we can go to my room and be alone.

Jostin  get to his room and start kissing and Jonah bit Tristan's bottom lip, tris pushed Jonah on his bed.  Jonah than pulled off their shirts. They pulled off their pants and boxers  and making love saying I love you to each other. Shit baby do you have condoms? No baby ask miles if he does. Tris does and finds them. He slips it on him and lubes himself up real well and Jonah sits in him and rides him and moans loudly. Oh god Tris I love you.  I love you to baby you feel so good.
After about a couple of thurts Tris came, tris started jerking Jonah off and he came on his stomach and fell in Tris saying dame bbaby tthat was so hot. It sure was baby Tristan said, but let's clean up.
Tristan texted miles back saying it is safe to come back in their room. Miles says OK bro no problem I catch up with you later I'm staying with Grace. But we can hang tonight watch Netflix and have snacks. OK miles Tris said.
Later in the evening triles are hanging out and miles said how was your alone time with Jonah? Oh it was good what about you and grace? It was good I can't believe we have school tomorrow already. Yeah true we have to wake up at 8am so we can't stay up too late. Yeah your right.  So miles are you trying out for any sports this year? Yeah maybe what about you?  I was thinking of trying out for the play Jonah is producing it and I heard that they night have a contest to whom will write the play. Oh cool Grace wants me to be in her play if she wins that contest so I might. Dame I have to see you at the play to not only do I have to share class and a room now a play to. Please Tris you know you love me throwing fake kisses towards Tristan. Oh yes you turn me on as he punches miles arm. OK I get it but I do love you though bro. I know same here bro. Triles coming from the snack room and walking together arm and arm joking around and a kid said boys get a room and gross and you should be with girls. Tristan turns around and says excuse me first of all its none of your business and second we are not a couple but best friends and even if we were it's none of your business anyway, he has and girl friend as do I have a partner to. Miles says wow Tris she was such a butch.  Well miles it would be hot 2 of the hottest boys at degrassi prep going to together. Oh yeah I will take your hand and dip you down and kiss you in front of all those homophobic bitches like that and kiss you on the lips like this as he put his hand over Tristan's lips and pretending to kiss him while he is laughing. OMG miles you are a trip. I know that's why you and I are best friends forever bro. They return to their room with their snacks and drinks changing in front if each other like a natural thing because they used to take baths together as babies. They watch Netflix on miles computer watching fuller house. They start to watch but they fall asleep cuddling. Jonah opens triles door and sees them impeach others arms holding  each other.

OMG what will Jonah be mad that triles are cuddling. Comment me and let me know what you think.

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