02 | twins

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I WILL MURDER ALL OF YOUR FANS IF THEY DON'T STOP YELLING,❞ Hiromi promised, her eye twitching as the limousine stopped in front of the school. Kyoya had his daily dosage of coffee in his right hand and his bag in the other.

"That isn't proper, Hirin," he scolded her, taking another sip of his black coffee. "The twins will be with you for the rest of the day incase you'll get lost." She rolled her eye at his words and continued staring at the window. It was one of her favorite past times where she could be genuinely alone for a moment. Hiromi's thoughts wondered to yesterday.

"It's not my fault that they're desperate bitches, Kyo," she whined, clutching on his blazer's sleeve. "Like, who even crowds their idol's limo when they have to get to school?" It seemed as if Kyoya wanted to retort an answer, but he didn't.

Onii-sama, she thought, I hope you can see what type of lunatic world I live in. She missed her brother dearly. She was only five while he was sixteen, giving them an eleven years age gap; nonetheless, he treated her well with respect and spoiled her rotten. Ever since he left, she became more... cold and manipulative, just like her fellow senpai, Ootori Kyoya.

Kyoya. She didn't know what to think of him when they first met. She was a timid girl who gave small smiles to every stranger she saw, hoping that she made their day brighten even if it wasn't for long. She got a few habits from the Shadow King—more specifically, making more façades.

"Oshiro-sama, Ootori-sama, we have arrived," the chauffeur announced.

"Isn't it rude to not acknowledge your master before the guest?" she asked the driver, whose eyes only widened. Kyoya glanced at her before calling someone. "Ah, don't worry, chauffeur-san! Oji-sama won't know," she winked, "if he doesn't check the surveillance footage inside the limousine!" And their personal driver fainted.

"Hirin," Kyoya said in a warning tone. "That was somewhat rude of you."

Hiromi raised an eyebrow as they both stepped out of the limousine. "And that concerns you, how?"

The onyx-eyed man didn't answer her question. Instead he held out his arm in a gentlemanly fashion and gave her a kind smile. Fake. "Shall we, Hirin?" She could only nod her head and intertwined her arm with his.

Murmurs and whispers passed by them as they strolled down the rather cold hallway. Oshiro Hiromi decided it was the perfect day to wear a long-sleeved dress that was in the same shade of blue as the boys' school uniform with the Ouran crest along with the Oshiro's crest pinned on her right breast pocket. Her white heels clicked against the cold marble floor, and she grinned as they neared the two twins, who were at the end of the hallway.

"How is he?" she questioned, making sure that she looked pleasant from afar. Kyoya pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose and stared at the ginger twins whose arms were wrapped around an irritated Fujioka Haruhi. "Has he moved on yet?"

"He handled it horribly," answered the second year honestly. "Kaoru didn't attend school for three weeks before the club dragged him outside, and ever since that, he looked fine." That didn't settle her curiosity and worry. She knew Kyoya more than Kaoru, but she could read people easily—it was a gift and curse sometimes.

"Hm..." she hummed, giving the twins a fake smile as they both neared her. Flashbacks appeared in her mind as the familiar ginger twins waltzed their way towards the two. Hikaru had a giant grin while Kaoru offered a timid smile. She could easily tell them apart—she was, after all, the first to come into their small world. Make possible connections, Hiromi. We need more allies.

Of course, Oji-sama.

"Ohayo, hime," they chimed in unison. "How was your morning?" Polite as ever, she thought as she stole a glance at Kyoya. He pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose; his glasses glinted.

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