03 | homosexual

21 1 0

a/n: vulgar language ahead.

It's been a week since her first day of school. All the students were now used to seeing her with the Host Club but that didn't stop a few death [meaningless] threats being sent to the pink-haired student. Even a few boys and girls decided to confess which she had to politely reject.

They were spending their day outside since the cherry blossoms were very beautiful. Hiromi decided to wear a pink kimono adorned with white floral print (Oshiro's branded) that went well with her features and had her hair in a tight but elegant bun.

"You are absolutely right, mademoiselle," she heard Kyoya agree, "All beauty is fleeting. Just take a look at these cherry blossoms. You'll never be able to see them this vibrant again. And that's why I've compiled this picture book that contains photo that capture the beauty of each passing day." And there's his business personality coming to show.

"Incidentally, I've prepared similar books of the other hosts as well," Kyoya said, giving them a closed smile. "And if you ladies are interested in collecting all four of them, I'll discount the full set for you." The guests screamed and squealed in delight, shoving their money to Kyoya, who looked like he was in bliss.

The Hitachiin twins appeared by her side, wrapping their arms around her in an affectionate way. "Well, now we know how the club makes extra money," they chirped in unison, hugging Hiromi. She happily returned their hug and smiled at every girl who glared at her.

"But where does he get the photos from?" she asked them. They shrugged. From the corner of her eye, she could pinpoint Mitsukuni, Takashi, and Haruhi sitting on a mat with a few guests. The loli seemed to be grinding something on the bowl.

"Mitsukuni, you overdid it," Takashi told him. The third year's eyes brimmed with tears from hearing the news. The girls immediately went into action, complimenting and saying that the amount was just perfect for them. What fakers, she thought as Mitsukuni smiled cutely at their words.

Tamaki the idiot appeared beside Hiromi, grinning widely at her. "How are you doing? Are you having a good time?" He fired off questions, but she couldn't help but notice his eyes turning to a certain brunette ever-so-often.


"You can call me Tamaki!" he smiled widely again, creeping her out a bit.

"Bakamaki-senpai," she corrected. He instantly went under a sakura tree and started moping. "The flower-viewing reception was a splendid idea," she complimented. Tamaki barked and wagged his tail at Hiromi's compliment. "We should do this again sometime." The first year offered him a bright but fake smile.

"SO CUTE!" he yelled, attracting a few guests' attention. Tamaki instantly engulfed her in a bone crushing hug. The twins freed her from his grasp and placed her securely beside each of them.

"So, Haruhi, hime, have you decided your elective courses for this term?" they asked in unison. "How about conversational French?" Hiromi shook her head at their suggestion.

"I don't know," answered Haruhi.

"I've already mastered French," Hiromi said. "I was planning on joining conversational Greek since I haven't fully mastered it."

The twins pouted before a lightbulb appeared above their head. "I think the four of us should take it together. It makes perfect sense." They glanced at their 'King' before wrapping their arms around Tamaki's 'daughters'. "We are in the same class."

An arrow struct a feint-hearted Tamaki as he wobbled his way to the black-haired male. "Say, Mommy dear?"

Kyoya looked up and stopped writing. "What is it now, Daddy?"

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