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I woke up in my bed.

How was I here? What happened?

I had a migraine, "I need some Advil.." I muttered to myself.

I walked into my kitchen, and swallowed the pain medicine. A vision hit me, blurred my vision. I gripped onto the kitchen counter.

I was screaming.

The joker lifted the shockers.

"Now you're as crazy as me." Joker laughed uncontrollably.

I felt a tear slip down my cheek, and everything went black.

I gasped and shook my head, letting go of the counter. Where is Joker now?

I needed to speak with him. I needed to just...see him again. He needed to explain...why had he hurt me?

I thought I was winning him over. But I had lost, just like all his former doctors.

Oddly enough, I missed him. I missed being in his presence.

I was going to find him. Quickly, I hopped on my motorcycle, and drove. I had no idea where I was going. Where would Joker be.

"Come on, Harleen. If you were Joker, where would you be?" I asked myself.

I stepped on the gas, where else would Joker be besides his club?

In a matter of ten minutes, I saw his car. A purple Lamborghini.

I pulled up alongside. He looked over, and growled, hiding me from his vision with his hand. He sped up his car.

I let out a grunt of frustration, and sped ahead of him. I flipped my motorcycle, it dragged on the street until it came to a stop. I jumped off and stood in front of it.

Jokers car slid to a stop, right in front of me.

"You're not leaving me. You're not leaving me!" I yelled, and banged my fists on the front of his car.

"You...you're a pain in the ass." Joker whispered to himself, and got out of his car.

"I have done every test, every trial, every initiation! I've done everything. I've proved to you I love you, so just accept it-"

"I am not someone who is...loved." He interrupted. "I'm an idea!" He clapped his hands together loudly.

Joker walked in a circle around me. "I execute things based on my will according to my plans, and you, doctor, are not part of my plans."

I grabbed his face gently, "I love you, I promise-I promise I won't hurt you!" He slid out of my grasp. My hands ached to touch him again.

"You promise?" He laughed.

A large truck that was stuck behind Jokers car honked, and the man driving it got out. "Hey, go yell at your bitch somewhere else!" He yelled.

I reached into Jokers pocket and grabbed his gun. I aimed it, and shot the driver.


Joker looked at the man, who was now lying dead on the ground. He turned around to face me, "I was gonna say I wouldn't do that if I were you..." his voice trailed to a stop when he saw I was now pointing the gun at him.

Joker held up his hands, "Don't hurt me. I'll be your friend" he joked.

He began waving, and swaying back and forth. "Do it" he commanded. "Do it do it do it do it do it-"

There were tears in my eyes, "my heart scares you, and a gun doesn't?" I asked in disbelief.

"DO IT!" He yelled, then grabbed the gun out of my hand and laughed.

I stood there, unwilling to move. Joker lifted his hand, and slapped me across the face. "Stupid bitch." Joker muttered. He slapped me so hard I fell to the ground.

"God, if you weren't so crazy I'd think you were insane." He joked. "Go, away." He commanded.

I stood up again, holding my hand up to where he slapped me. Tears began falling down my cheeks. "I love you. Understand that I love you."

"Got it, got it, got it, got it." Joker said, holding his hands up.

Joker felt something when Harleen said she loved him. A new feeling...the Joker was not supposed to have feelings. But he had this ache in his chest when he saw his Harley crying. He was mad at himself for hurting her. How could the Joker feel like this?

Joker sighed, "meet me at A.C.E Chemicals. In an hour." He growled. Joker got in his car, and drove around Harleen, who fell to the ground sobbing as he left.

Joker and Harley Quinn: CrazyWhere stories live. Discover now