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"Good morning, pumpkin." J said, massaging my shoulder.

I tensed up, and he sensed it and stopped. "What would you like for breakfast?" He asked.

I just shook my head.

"Harley, you have to eat."

I shook my head again.

Joker growled, becoming frustrated with me. "I'll be right back."

I slowly stood up. I felt dizzy, my head was pounding.

Maybe a warm shower would help.

I slowly shuffled over to the bathroom, and turned on the shower. I undressed myself, and felt some relief once the warm water hit my skin.

But then I just stood there. I was staring at the wall. And I ended up sitting down, still staring at the wall as the water beat down on my head.

Joker was downstairs, making breakfast. He heard the shower be turned on, and didn't make anything of it.

Fifteen minutes later, when he was done with breakfast, the water was still running. It was unusual for Harley to take showers that long.

J went upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door. "Harley?"

No answer. He knocked harder, "Harley!"

He stood outside the bathroom for another thirty seconds. The door was locked.

"Baby, stand back."

He counted to three, and knocked down the door. Harley didn't even flinch.

"Harley?" he asked, pulling back the shower curtains. He sighed, and felt a pang in his heart when he saw her condition.

Her leftover makeup was running down her face. She had a distant look in her eyes. He could see her rib cage. She was so skinny.

He sighed, and grabbed her body soap.

J took off his shirt, and stepped into the shower with Harley. He helped her to her feet, and began to wash her. Then, he shampooed and conditioned her hair. He turned off the water, and dried Harley off.

"We aren't making this a habit, Harls"

"Okay." She said, her voice so small. Smaller than a whisper.

He helped her get dressed, she was wearing a pair of loose fitting shorts with one of J's shirts.

He helped her downstairs, and fed her breakfast.

"What happened, pumpkin? What did they do to you?" He Asked, stroking her hair.

"They...they strapped me to tables." She whispered. "they shocked me...    a-and cut me, and h-hit me.." She trailed to a stop. "and shoved tubes into my stomach..." She finished. "They ruined me." She said, tears falling down her cheeks.

Joker wanted to cry. He wanted to scream. He was angry, but he was sad. Upset, that somebody would do those things to Harley.

He stroked her hair, and kissed her forehead. He carried her up to their room. Joker lay Harley on the bed, and tucked her in. "I have an errand to run. I'll be back in no more than an hour."

And then Harley was alone again.

Joker and Harley Quinn: CrazyWhere stories live. Discover now