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J never came back that day either. In fact, he was MIA for the next week.

I woke up every morning feeling the same way, and threw up nearly everyday.

It was time to take the test, even if puddin' wasn't here. I went into the bathroom, and did what I had to. I waited for the results, alone.

I stared at the stick, and it changed.


I gasped in shock. I was pregnant.

Someone knocked on the door, making me jump. I quickly hid the test under my shirt. "Yes?" I asked, shakily.

"J's home." Frost told me.

I let out a deep breath, and placed the test on the counter. I composed myself and opened the door. I'd hide the test after I greeted J.

"Ahh..baby. Where are you?" I heard J yell into the house.

I ran down the stairs, and into his arms. "Puddin'!"

He kissed me, hard, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

I was the one to pull away, gasping for breath. "Where have you been?" I asked, running my fingers through his hair.

"Just had some business to do, that's all." He replied, kissing my cheek.

J placed his hands on my thighs to keep holding me up, and walked us to the bedroom. I giggled as he laid me down, and hovered above me.

"I missed ya, puddin'"

"Oh, daddy missed you too." He replied, kissing my neck.

I arched my back, giving J more access to my body. He ran his lips down to my chest, leaving love bites over my neck and chest.

I moaned, pulling lightly on his hair as he growled, and kissed his way lower.

It was the perfect welcome home gift.


I sighed, opening my eyes. I was tangled in the bed sheets, J wasn't on the other side of the bed.

"What the fuck is this?" J asked, coming into the room, holding my pregnancy test.

Shit, I never hid it.

"Thats a um.."

"Yeah, I know its a fucking pregnancy test. Why the hell does it say positive?" He yelled, throwing it across the room. It broke into two pieces.

I flinched, "Puddin'... I'm pregnant.."

J's face became dark, and blank of expression. I grew terrified at that point.

"We're gonna have a little monster.."

He looked down. "Get out."

My stomach dropped, "what?"

He looked up at me. "Get out." He pointed at the door. "Get the hell out! Leave my house!" He screamed.

I couldn't move. I was too scared, too shocked.

J walked over and slapped me, "are you deaf? Get out!"

He pulled me out of the bed, and shoved me across the room. "Get the hell out!"

I grabbed my robe, and tied it on before running out. I ran out of the house, and onto the street. I kept running, I didn't stop for some time.

My breathing began to slow down eventually. Everything caught up with me.

I was pregnant.

And scared.

And alone.

I had no money...I had nothing.


I turned around, letting out a sigh of relief when I saw it was just Frost.

"Are you okay?" He asked, jogging over to me.

"No..not really."

"Come on, you can stay at my place tonight. And I brought some of your clothes." He said, handing me a small bag.


The ride to Frosts house was silent, I was trying my hardest to keep from crying. Frost sensed it.

We pulled up to a large apartment building.

"Dont worry, Harley. He'll come around. J cant live without you. He just got angry, you know how his anger gets the best of him."

"Yeah. But its different now, Frost. I'm holding our child."

His jaw dropped, "you're pregnant?"

I sniffled, "yeah. Thats why I got thrown out."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. I'll sort it out with J in the morning. He loves you Harley."

"Thanks, Frost."

"Anytime. I'm here for you."

Joker and Harley Quinn: CrazyWhere stories live. Discover now