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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Perrie's House~~~~~~~~~~~

Niall:*Staring at Zayn whose is still fainted at the couch*Is he going to be ok?

Perrie:*Looks at Zayn*Yeah,he's Zayn. Anyways *Looks at Niall*How are you?

Niall:Good.Theses last four years have been full of memories with my little Rosie.*Smiles*

Perrie:I imagine.Rosie is such a sweet heart just like her papa.

Niall:*Smiles*Yeah. But she looks just like Harry *Frowns A bit*


Niall:*Looks at Perrie*Yeah?

Perrie:Do you still love Harry?


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Taylor,In her Room~~~~~~~~~~

Taylor:*Looking at some dresses she has laid down on her bed*Um should I wear the pink one, the purple one or the baby blue one? *Lifts up the baby blue dress,smiles*Yes,this dress is the one.It's so beautiful.

????:*Walks in*Yes it is my dear.

Taylor:*Turns around* Daniel? What are you doing here?

Daniel:I actually came to talk to you my dear Taylor. It's about Harry.

Taylor:Harry? What about him? Is he hurt?


Taylor:*Confused*Then what's wrong with my boyfriend?

Daniel:He's not hurt. Well not just yet *Closes the door* I need you to do something *Smiles Evily*

Taylor:*Looks at Daniel,Scared*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back With. Niall & Perrie~~~~~~~~

Perrie:Well do you?


Zayn:*Starts waking up,Touches the back of his head*Wow Perrie I had one of the most weirdest dream.Niall came back to Miami with a little cute blonde girl with dimples who said was Harry-

Rosie:*Walks up to Zayn*Good afternoon Mr.Zayn*Smiles*

Zayn:*Eyes widen,screams*AAAAAA

Rosie:*Runs up to Niall & Hugs him*Papa,Mr.Zayn is scaring me.

Perrie:Zayn stop screaming!

Zayn:*Breathing in & out*Ok ok sorry.

Niall:*Looks at Rosie*Go back to playing your dolls at Perrie's room ok sweetie.

Rosie:*Smiles*Ok papa.*Looks at Perrie & Zayn*Excuse me Ms.Perrie,Excuse me Mr.Zayn.

Perrie:Aww she's so cute.Just call me Perrie sweetie.

Zayn:Yeah & call me Zayn.

Rosie:*Smiles*Ok Zayn & Perrie. Excuse me *Leaves*

Zayn:*Looks at Niall & Perrie*Ok now that I'm relax.......Someone explain what the heck is going on?! First. Niall disappears & now he's back & with a little girl who is Harry's daughter who I'm pretty sure Harry has no idea he has.

Niall:Well it's a long story but it all started on Eleanor & Louis's wedding party. I got a note from Harry telling me to meet him at Sonic boom. So i went & it was so beautiful. Everything was decorated ,Harry had a rose in his hands & the picnic.Anyways, we started talking about his world tour & that it wasn't gonna change anything & well the conversation turned to something else.

Zayn:Um yeah. You don't have to tell me that detail.

Niall:Yeah so after Harry left i been feeling sick & I found out I was pregnant with Rosie *Smiles*My little beautiful angel.

Zayn:And you left being pregnant just so you don't ruin Harry's career?

Niall:Um Yeah.That's what I did.

Perrie:And what are you gonna do now?

Niall:What do you mean?

Zayn:Well you're going to the wedding as Perrie's best man & Harry's my best man,you both are bound to see each other & well.

Niall:I get what you mean Zayn.

Perrie:So are you gonna be ok?

Niall:*Fake Smiles*Yeah.I wouldn't miss my two best friend's wedding for the world.

Zayn:*Gets an idea*Hey I got an idea.

Perrie,Zayn:*Looks at Zayn*What is it?

Zayn:Well I'm gonna meet Harry at the "la Plaza Restaurant" tonight for my last night being single, maybe you should go.

Niall:And see Harry? *Unsure*I don't know Zayn,it's gonna be weird and he might have a lot of questions.

Perrie:I actually think that's a great idea. Niall. You can finally see Harry & explain everything & why you left.

Niall:Well........well what about Rosie? I don't want her to find out yet,not until the right moment.

Zayn:We can take care of Rosie.Plus, tomorrow is the wedding & I would like to spend my night with my future wife & Rosie *Smiles*

Perrie:Aww baby *Gives him a quick kiss on the lips,Looks at Niall*Give Narry one more chance, talk to Harry *Smiles*

Niall: (Should I talk to Harry & finally explain everything or should I wait until tomorrow & make a huge scene once he sees me?).....*Smiles*Well I got to go the restaurant I have to go too.

Perrie:Yes! *Hugs Niall*You can do this Ni.

Niall:*Smiles*I sure hope I can.

Zayn:Well it's 3pm & I'm suppose to meet Harry at 7pm.

Perrie:*Looks at Niall*Yeah we have to get you ready.

Niall:I can just go like this.

Perrie:*Looks at Niall's clothes which are ratchet*Oh no,you are so not going like that.

Niall:What's wrong with my clothes?

Zayn:*Looks at Niall's clothes*Um yeah *Looks at Perrie*Take him shopping please.

Perrie:*Giggles*Sure will.Let's go.

Niall:*Still confused*But really what's wrong with my clothes?

Perrie:Just walk *Leaves with Niall*

Zayn:*Goes to Perrie's room & sees Rosie sleeping on the bed,Smiles*Wow,she's like Harry's twin, except she has blonde hair.


Zayn:*Smiles*Goodnight sweetie *Leaves*


OMG Niall is going to meet Harry. What's going to happen? O.o

Anyways sorry I couldn't update, I recently became an aunt. So HAPPY ^O^ it's a boy.

Next Update: 3/21/14 or 3/20/14

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