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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Taylor & Daniel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Taylor:*Opens her eyes & Sees Daniel in the floor with a bloody leg*

Daniel:*In pain*Ugh!

????:*Drops the gun & Runs over to Taylor*Hey, are you ok?

Taylor:*Looks at ????*Yeah. Julio?

Hamilton:*Smiles*No I'm Hamilton.

Taylor:*Gives a small smiles*Oh sorry, I thought you were Juli-

Hamilton:*Smiles*Yeah I get that alot. It's a gift but also a cure.


Hamilton:*Looks at Daniel*So what should we do with him?

Daniel:*Still in pain, grabbing his leg*

Taylor:I-I don't know. *Looks at Hamilton*I-I have to go. I don't want him to hurt me or my baby.

Hamilton:You're pregnant?

Taylor:*Looks at Daniel*

Daniel:*Glaring at Taylor*You'll pay for this bitch! You'll die and so will that baby of yours.

Taylor:*Scared, With Tears in her eyes*No! Leave me and my baby alone!

Daniel:Never! Not until you're still here. *Smiles Evily*

Hamilton:*Punches him in the face*

Daniel:*Knocks out*

Taylor:*Looks at Hamilton, nervous*

Hamilton:Come on we gotta get you away from him.*Grabs Taylor Hand, about to run off*

Taylor:No! *Looks at Daniel*He's gonna come back for me & he's gonna kill me!*With Tears in her eyes* I don't want my baby nor me to die. And I gotta tell my friends about this.Ahh *Feels pain in her stomach*

Hamilton:Come on we gotta get you out of here. *Carries Taylor & Sits her down in his car, Sits down too & starts driving*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Narry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Niall:*Looking at the doctor with tear in his eyes*Please tell me this is just a cruel joke.

Doctor:*Sighs*I'm sorry Niall but you have to be strong. Especially for Zayn

Niall:*Trying to hold his tears*

Perrie:*Breathing a little bit*

Harry:*Hears her & Looks at Perrie*Doctor! Look, she's breathing!

Doctor,Niall :*Looks at Perrie*

Doctor:*Walks over to her and grabs her hand to check her pawn* She is breathing.

Niall:*Smiles Big*Does that mean Perrie is alive?

Doctor:I'm not sure. Harry, Niall please go outside and I'll call you guys if anything happens.

Harry:Ok Doctor. Come on Ni. *Walks over to the door and opens it*

Niall:*Looks at Perrie & Whispers*Don't die on me Perrie. You can do it. *Looks at Harry and leaves outside*

Harry:*Follows him*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Taylor & Hamilton~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Taylor:*Sitting down, Holding her stomach*

Hamilton:*Gives her a cup of hot tea* Here, hopefully this will make you feel good.

Taylor:*Gets it*Thanks. *Takes a little sip*

Hamilton:*Sits next to her*So may I know what your name is or should I ask that crazy man? *Gives a small smile*

Taylor:*Smiles*I'm Taylor.

Hamilton:Well nice to meet you Taylor.

Taylor:*Smiles*You too. *Checks her watch*Oh man, I gotta go. *Gets up*

Hamilton:You can't go. *Gets up also*That crazy man is after you. What if he does something to you?

Taylor:But I have to tell Harry & Niall about him.

Hamilton:Well they're gonna have to wait because I can't let you leave. Your protection and that baby's important right now.

Taylor:Why are you being so nice to me? If I'm mean to people and you barely know me.

Hamilton:Well it's not every day when you save a beautiful and amazing girl who is pregnant by shooting a crazy man. *Smiles*

Taylor:*Blushes a bit*Beautiful & amazing?

Hamilton:*Looks at Taylor*Totally. And those light brown eyes that just give me butterflies in my stomach. You truly are beautiful Taylor.

Taylor:*Looks at Hamilton, Smiles*Thanks.

Hamilton:*Getting lost in Taylor's eyes, Looks at her lips*And those red lips that remind me of snow white.

Taylor:*Getting lost in Hamilton's eyes too, Starts leaning in a bit*

Hamilton:*Starts leaning in also*They're just so tempting.

-------About to kiss-------

????:*Unlocks the door & Opens the door, Walks in & sees Hamilton & Taylor*Hi Hamilton.

Hamilton, Taylor:*Looks at ????*


Taylor:*Looks at Hamilton*Who's she? *Looks at Tiffany*

Tiffany*Smirks*I'm his wife. Who are you?

Taylor:*Looks at Hamilton in shock*Wife?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Narry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Niall:*Nervous*Ugh I hope Perrie is ok.

Harry:I'm sure she will be. *Walks over to the waiting room*

Niall:*Follows him*Where's Taylor? I really want to see Rosie.

Harry:*tries spotting Taylor* I can't see her. Daniel neither.

Niall:Let me go ask that nurse over there. *Walks over to the nurse*Hi. Um Me and my friend over there *Points to Harry*we were helping my friend give birth and we let two other friend here with my daughter. You think you know where they went?

Nurse:I'm not sure but maybe your daughter is at the kids room. Let me check. What's her name?

Niall:Rosie Styles.

Nurse: Ok. I'll be right back. *Leaves*

Niall:*Walks over to Harry*

Harry:What did the nurse say?

Niall:She doesn't know where they are but Rosie might be at the kids room.

Harry:Well if Rosie is at the kids room, then where are Taylor & Daniel?

Niall:*Shrugs*I don't know.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Daniel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kendall:*Parks the car, Runs out and runs over to Daniel*My love. Are you ok?

Daniel:*Glares at Kendall*Don't you see that I have a bleeding leg?!

Kendall:Right. What happened?

Daniel:It's a long story. Just take me to the hospital.

Kendall:Ok. *Trys helping Daniel to get up*

Daniel:*Gets up*Ahhhh!

Kendall:Sorry baby. *Helps Daniel up to the car* Sit baby.

Daniel:*Sits down*Drive me to the hospital.

Kendall :*Sits down*Ok. Starts driving*

Daniel:(Taylor, Taylor, Taylor. You have no idea what you're in for.) *Does a evil smirk*

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