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"Ah fuck, I'm coming!" I scream in ecstasy as Blake thrusts into me at God-like speeds. 

"Me too, babe. You're so tight. Fuck." He groans and I feel his hard cock twitch inside me, releasing his seed into the plastic sleeve around him. Blake collapses on me in exhaustion, giving me a soft kiss on my earlobe that sends shivers through my body. 

"You are amazing." I breathe. "Absolutely amazing."

He chuckles. "So are you, darling." 

I watch him get up off of my bed and head to the bathroom to throw away the used condom, admiring his sculpted, perfect body as he walks away from me. 

"What are you doing today?" I call out to him, sitting up. 

He walks back in and starts dressing. "Um, I believe Carol has dinner reservations at 7." He replies. 

Carol. The one woman who stands in the way of my happiness. The woman I have to share this wonderful man with. The woman he married years ago. Carol. Just her name makes me want to vomit.

I sigh. "Babe?" 

He turns to me with a smile on his face. "Yes?" 

"When are you-" I start, interrupted by the annoying ring of Blake's phone. 

"Fuck." He mutters before pressing the accept button. "Hey hun, what's up?"

 I tune him out, knowing it's Carol interrupting our time again. Each time she calls, I find myself grow even angrier. I knew she was part of this package when we first started seeing each other. However, 8 months later, she has become a stubborn thorn in my side. A thorn I wish Blake would promptly remove. 

"I'll be there soon. Bye." He finishes the call and throws his phone onto the bed. "I have to go."

"I figured." I say harshly.

"Hey, hey. Don't be like that" He sits down beside me, placing his hand over mine. "She is still my wife. Until I can leave her, I have to play nice. I don't want to lose everything I have, Claire."

"I know, Blake, but you have been saying that you will leave her for months. Months! I don't want to wait any longer. I want you. All of you! Please?" I beg. "I don't want to share you anymore. Please don't leave." I feel tears begin to sting my eyes. 

"I'm sorry, babe. I know this is taking longer than I said it would. I just need to figure out a few things and then I'm all yours, I promise." 

"Don't go." I whisper, a lone tear slides down my cheek that he gently wipes away with his thumb. 

"I have to. But I promise that when everything is done and she is long gone, I am all yours. We will buy a house." He kisses my hand. "And we will furnish that house with whatever you want." He kisses my right cheek. "And I will take you on that cruise I told you about." He kisses my left cheek. "I will spoil you rotten, Claire. You just wait and see." He finishes with a lingering kiss to my lips, making me smile. 

"I will hold you to that." I state.

"I know you will." He laughs and I giggle when he places a quick kiss to my nose. "I have to go."

"I love you, Blake." I say quietly. 

Blake smiles and kisses me again. "I love you too. I'll see you, babe." He assures. Then he quickly grabs his suit jacket and leaves me alone in my room. A little, grey fluffball darts in the room as he leaves. 

This is the part I hate. I absolutely hate when he has to leave. I wrap my arms around me and a few more tears fall down on my black comforter. 

The fluffball - my Shih Tzu, Sasha - jumps up on my bed and squirms into my arms. "Oh Sasha, I wish I didn't love him so much. Maybe then this wouldn't hurt this bad." I confide in her, even though I know she won't respond. I gently pick her up and place her down on the floor as I get up from my bed, deciding I should get dressed and eat something. 

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