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The drive home is quiet, but comfortable. Blake's fingers teasingly play with my inner thigh, sending pleasurable tingles to shoot up to my core. My hand returns the favour and I can see how my actions affect him. 

"I fucken love you." He growls lowly.

I smirk, cupping his clothed manhood in my hand. " And I fucken love you." 

"Tease." Blake groans, his hand slowly working closer to my core and my breath hitches. "But I guess I am too." And, the asshole pulls away. 

"Jerk." I mumble. 

He chuckles. "Don't worry baby. We'll be home soon enough and I will ravish that sexy body like never before." My heart skips a beat at his words, while my panties soak in anticipation. 


10 minutes later, I am up against my front door as Blake gets to work. His hot mouth at my neck and his hands running up and down his body. My fingers tangled within his soft, dark hair, gently pulling. 

I don't know exactly when we get naked or how we ended on my bed, but that doesn't matter. No, I am too enthralled with how his tongue laps at my navel and how his fingers twist around my nipples. I am lost as I feel his mouth go lower and lower until it reaches it's destination between my legs, earning a low moan come from my mouth. 

All I feel is pure bliss as his tongue darts out along my folds until it touches my sensitive ball of nerves and two fingers enter me. He doesn't stop, no he doesn't stop - not until I am screaming his name, my release coating his fingers in it's sweet juices. 

I watch him slowly pull away as I come down from my high. He slowly licks his fingers - savouring them and humming in appreciation. 

"Fuck, you taste so good." He whispers more to himself than to me. "You ready?" 

It's more of a statement then a question, because he doesn't wait for me to answer. He's at my entrance in seconds, rubbing it slowly with his throbbing cock before thrusting it in me. I moan, arching my back in response. 

The room is filled with the sounds of our lovemaking - clapping of two skins meeting, moans of pure satisfaction and cries of my orgasm. The scent of our arousals consumes the air, making it thick and hot.  

And it continues until the early morning when we both are fully satiated. 


The clock on the wall hits 7:30am and I feel dread consume my body. I know it's only a matter of minutes before he leaves and it kills me. It kills me that we can have a night like that and he just leaves like nothing happened. I don't want him to go. I don't want him to leave me behind. I want him here forever, by my side where he belongs. 

My heart aches as I watch him put his clothes on. I have a thousand words I want to say, but my tongue is tied. Instead, I silently pray that he changes his mind. I pray that he comes back to bed and wraps his strong arms around me tightly. I pray that he never let's me go. 

He's putting his shoes on now. 

"Stay?" I whimper out. "Please?"

Blake turns towards me and I can see he's fighting with himself. "I can't."

Without even thinking, I get off the bed and sit on my knees in front of him. "Please Blake. Don't go." I plead, my hands grabbing his. 

"You know I can't, Claire." He states, anger lacing his words. "Don't make this harder than it already is. I will see you later. Get ready for work." 

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