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One Year Later

"Babe! What the fuck? No!" I squeal as Alex chases me around his apartment.

"Stop running from me. You know I will catch you." He growls lowly. Alex hops over the old, brown couch and traps me in a corner. "Nowhere to go now, darling." 

"Alex, leave me alone." I warn. 

"Just give me back my shirt and I'll walk away." 

"No! It's my favourite shirt! You know I love to sleep in it." I whine, hugging the shirt in my hand to my chest. "I won't give it back."

"Fine, have it your way." He smirks before stepping towards me. He wraps his muscular arms around my waist and gently throws me to the ground. 

I feel his fingers begin to tickle my stomach, making me thrash around screaming. "No! Alex, stop!" I try to desperately push his hands away from me, but he is so much stronger than me. "If you don't stop, I'll pee on you!" 

"I'm not falling for that one, babe. You have been using that since I met you."

He continues his assault on my body until I physically can't take anymore. "Okay, okay. I give. Take the fucken thing." I pant between breaths. He pulls away with a huge grin on his face and I hand him his beloved shirt. "Happy?"

"Yep." He says, popping the p. "I got what I want." 

I watch him get up off the ground and head to the door. "Wait, where are you going?" I ask. 

"Gym. Gonna meet Frank and Ian there. Apparently Ian has something he needs advice for." He says as he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at me. "If you know what I mean." 

I jump to my feet and run to him, jumping up on his back like a child wanting a piggy-back ride. "Seriously? He's finally going to ask her?" I question excitedly. 

"By the sounds of it. Now get off of me woman." He demands and I hop off  his back. 

"Eeek." I squeal. "That's so exciting. Make sure you give him good advice, Alexander Michael Devitt." 

He chuckles. "Always. I love you babe." He kisses my forehead. 

"I love you too. Drive safe." 

I watch as Alexander slips out of the apartment before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Things have definitely changed in the last year - all for the better. My relationship with Alexander is beyond amazing. There is never a dull moment and he never leaves me feeling second to anyone. I absolutely adore him and I know he feels the same way as me. 

That day on the beach forever stands as an important memory for us. It symbolizes a new beginning - a new, happier beginning. It was that day where we both admitted our true feelings and acted on them. Although we have shared millions of kisses over the past 365 days, that one will always be my favourite. For it started something so beautiful, so magical, that it will always hold a special place in my heart. 

From that day on, Alexander and I haven't had a day apart. We always managed to spend sometime together and it eventually led to us deciding to just move in together 4 months ago. Some may say it was too early, but in actuality, it just made sense. I mean, we were sleeping at each other's house every single night anyways. 

So, I moved into Alexander's apartment and life has been grand. Sasha loves it here. We even got a second dog, Bella. She is an American Bulldog mixed with Bull Mastiff. She is already bigger than Sasha, but Sasha treats her like her own pup. It's so sweet. 

I couldn't be happier. Alex is the best, damn thing to happen to me and I am truly in disbelief that I ever landed a man like him. Somedays I still don't feel like I am good enough for him. I sometimes wonder what he sees in me. 

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