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I wake up to something wet rubbing my nose. Slowly peeling my eyes open, I am met by Sasha happily licking my face.

"You are so sweet." I say to her, rubbing her little head. "Give me one minute and I will take you out." 

Sitting up, I feel the effects of last night rocking my head and I groan. I don't drink much for this reason. I reach over my nightstand and grab some tylenol and quickly swallow it. 

Every morning, I have to quickly do my routine so Sasha doesn't make a mess, and today isn't any different. Rushing to the bathroom, I quickly relieve myself and wash my face of last night's makeup. 

"I really need to stop doing this." I mumble to myself. "I'm gonna look ancient by the time I'm 30."

Running over to my closet, I quickly grab some jogging pants and a tank, Sasha following my every step. 

"Okay, okay. I am almost done." I assure her as the shirt goes over my head. "Let's go."

I always love the little dances my pup does whenever it's time to go out. They never cease to make me smile. Slipping on my sandals and clipping Sasha's leash to her collar, I open the door only to be met by someone I wasn't expecting to see. 

"Blake! You scared me." I squealed. 

"Sorry babe. I had to see you." He leaned over and gave me a kiss. 

"I'm just taking Skylar out and then I will be back up. You can wait here or you can come with if you like?" I shoot out the invite, already knowing he will wait for me upstairs. 

"I'll wait. Have you eaten? I will start breakfast." He walks past me and I close the door behind me as I walk down the hall to the elevator. 

His visit is really unexpected. He hardly ever comes over on weekends and when he does, it's usually when Carol is away on a business trip - which I know isn't the case here. And he never ever just shows up. Something about is visit creates a sense of unease to come over me, but I push it to the back of my mind as I walk Sasha around to do her business. 


"Breakfast is ready, Claire. Want to eat at the table or in the kitchen?" He calls out as I walk in the door. 

"Um, the table is full of work stuff right now. The kitchen is fine." I answer as I unclip Sasha. She quickly bolts over to the wonderful smell in the kitchen. 

Walking into the kitchen, I see that he didn't leave a single thing out. Bacon, eggs, sausage, ham, homefries and toast line the counter, all waiting to get in my belly.

"This is wonderful babe, you didn't have to do this." I tell him. I stand on my tippy toes to give him a soft kiss on his jaw and he wraps his arms around me and pulls me in closer. 

"I just wanted to treat my girl." He chuckles. "Come on, let's dig in before it gets cold."

We both pile our plates high with enough food to feed a family of 4 and sit at the counter. "So, what's going on today?" I ask, trying to figure out what he is doing here. Not that I'm complaining, but it's just unusual. 

"I figured I could spend the morning with you. We hardly ever see each other on the weekends and I would love to change that." He responds through mouthfuls of food. 

"Oh, I would love that too." I smile. 

"Plus, I had planned to surprise you with breakfast in bed. I didn't expect you to be awake." 

"I would have had to get up in order to let you in, silly." I giggle as I lightly push him with my shoulder. 

He chuckles. "Well, actually. I got a key from your landlord last week. I was just going to let myself in."

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