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"I have to kill you or he's gonna kill me."

Cloak freshly pressed and shoes shining like a black pearl, Draco looked ready for the ball. He anxiously paced around the Slytherin Common room, waiting to be allowed to make his way towards the great hall. Desperation was pushing him to ignore the rules placed upon him, but wanting to do it right for Hermione was much stronger. He wanted it to be perfect for her. She deserved it.

Finally, the doors opened and entered his father with his cane in hand. His stare was strong and harsh, making Draco like the room was suddenly too small for him and his father to fit in. No matter how long Draco has lived by his father, his blank stare was something that still gave him chills.

"I assume everything is in place" Lucius asked quietly. Draco nodded his head obediently. "Good. But you missed one thing."

"And that is?" Draco returned. He was more than sure that he had acquired everything needed: Theme, food, band, music, the girl. Everything was perfect, but what was the one thing that he was missing?

Lucius chortled wickedly but sneered once the humour was brushed away. "What were you thinking asking a mud-blood to attend the Slytherin Ball of all events, at your side?"

Draco's stance broadened and his face was set in stone, yet still felt paler than before. "I see no issue in inviting a muggle-born, who goes by the name of Hermione Granger."

"You're a Malfoy, not a Weasley! We have standards and class unlike those traitors to our kind. Do not ruin our family name for your own petty feelings, especially for a filthy Mud-blood."

"Her name is Hermione" he returned sharply, yet with his voice louder than usual. "Learn to use it because she will be around more than you think she will be."

"How Dare you!" Lucius gripped onto the top of his cane hard, the sign of his wand about to be drawn. "I am your father, and you cannot speak to me like that! Especially with your kind of involvement with those dirty things."


The Father and Son turned to the open door to see Dumbledore intently watching Lucius, who immediately relaxed his muscles but didn't stop to throw Draco a deadly glare saying 'I'll deal with you later.' Draco swallowed the lump in his throat, but nevertheless felt brave for finally standing up towards his father and defending Hermione's name.

"May I ask you to leave as Draco has a ball and a beautiful girl to dance with?" Dumbledore's voice was calm but still held the hint of authority that made Lucius unable to do anything other than obey and escort himself out of the Common room.

Draco was shifting from foot to foot as he watched Dumbledore approach him calmly. His hand was placed on Draco's shoulder and each of their grey eyes latched onto each other's.

"You may chose the path in which you want to follow, not the path that others push you down. Yes, you are a Malfoy, and that only gives you the power to do more good than evil. You won't only help yourself, but also Hermione and others in a similar situation."

The words seemed like puzzles as they sat in Draco's mind, stirring around and causing havoc. But piece by piece it was put together again, the inner message slowly growing into his conscience.

A small smile grew on Dumbledore's lips as Draco began to understand him, and then held his hand out, guiding Draco towards the door.

"Let's go, Draco. Time to make your appearance."


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