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"Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?"

In the corner of the library, Hermione's nose was buried in the book that was given to her from a stranger. Without a letter, she would have left it on her desk, thinking the last person that sat there maybe had left it behind. But with her name sprawled out on a card, she knew that a secret admirer of some sort had known exactly what would make her head over heels.

The book was rare and very expensive, something that she could only view from afar. It was the greatest magic book that a witch or wizard could use for their school-work. But now it was in her and her eyes were floating over the beautiful print. Each page smelled old and oaky and she could run her finger over it, still feeling each ingrain that they tree held. She swooned, feeling foolish for treating it with such speciality. But it was a special edition, afterall.

Her moments were cut short, when a certain someone snooped up next to her, a seductive smile on his lips. Hermione could only roll her eyes and dread his presence as he showed no signs of giving her peace.

"Hey, Hermione" Cormac begun, drawing out her name. "I heard you got a big gift today. Did you enjoy it?"

Hiding a gasp, Hermione glanced down at the book in front of her and closed it quietly, hoping that it could escape his eyes. Fortunately it did, but unfortunately, she contained the feeling in the pit of her gut that this glorious and marvellous book was given to her by none-other than Cormac.

Playing like a fool, she shook her head and stared down at her nails. "No, I was given nothing" she said. "And besides, I wouldn't be interested in your gifts."

"Please, Hermione, every girl would love a gift. It's a basic rule of falling in love." Cormac chuckled and pulled out the stool next to her, pulling his shoulders back to show off his fit structure. "All girls love flowers and non-charmed chocolates, right?"

The silence between stretched as she looked at the book next to her arm, confused at his comment. Flowers and chocolates? She hadn't received such thing. The only thing she was given was the book and nothing else... right?

Playing along, Hermione shot a brow up and smirked. "So, Cormac, Flowers and chocolates, huh?" she playfully said. "Sure it wasn't a book of some sort?"

Cormac chuckled and leaned in, slightly pursing his lips in attempt to seduce her. Sadly, it had no such effect on Hermione. "Oh dang it, did I give it away? Well, I best be off before I do anything else out of my control." Throwing in a wink, Cormac rose and strutted away, leaving Hermione to giggle behind her hand uncontrollably.

With Cormac finally giving her the privacy and space she required, she reopened the book to continue pleasing herself with the beautiful formatting and the strong glow of knowledge that it held. Well, that's what she dreamed of doing.

The thought of who gave to her was heavy in her mind. There was no way on knowing who gave it to her or who had even bought such a luxurious item. Yes, some people at Hogwarts could afford it all with ease, but that was still many possible students to interview.

Trying to read it was causing Hermione to feel guilty as she had no way of thanking the person who gave it to her. It simply seemed wrong to read such a precious item with no gratitude or gift in return.

And so, pouting and slipping the book back among her own, she left her little secluded area and headed towards the exit. Along the way, she spotted Draco sitting at a table and writing something that took all of his attention. His scribbled away vigorously with a handwriting that was familiar to Hermione. Pulling out the card, she compared it from a distance, shock and surprise shaking her to the core.

She stormed over to his whereabouts and slammed her books, shooting Draco's head right up to face her stern look. In return, he grinned and leaned back openly.

"What can I do for you, my grace?" Draco asked smoothly, failing to remove the look off Hermione's face.

She yanked out the book from her stash and placed in front of him, ensuring that no corners were folded and nothing could scratch its perfect cover. Arms crossed, she looked at him expectantly. "What is this for?" she demanded. "I owed you, you didn't. So why do this to me now?"

Leaning back, Draco smiled and opened the book, lazily reading through the pages. He was pretending to seem interested, but he seemed more interested in the small, humorous encounter. "I thought you would like it" he said, looking back up at her. "Someone as smart as you deserve the most knowledgeable products out there. Why? Does this not please you?"

"No" she quickly said, instantly regretting her sudden response. She took the book back and held it in her arms protectively. The harsh gaze she gave him softened and she looked down at her other books, feeling more guilt for rejecting them so soon. "I don't understand why you are doing this. Suddenly you're saving me from Cormac, buying me ridiculously expensive gifts and giving me all this attention."

"Attention? Like what?"

Hermione snorted and rolled her eyes. "I have Ron and Harry, as well as every other Gryffindor in our year who protects each other like a pack of werewolves. They see how you always seem to watch out for me around the corridors or even how I just sit in the library sometimes." She chuckled to herself when a thought popped into her mind. "Not like a stalker-ish approach, but like you're just... overlooking me like an angel on my shoulder."

Hermione's cheeks flushed a deep red as she said it, feeling more embarrassed than ever. It was a strange comment, but seemed to warm her insides to a cosy temperature. Clearly it had affected Draco too, as his smirk turned into a warm grin and his eyes relaxed as he looked at her.

"Maybe I am protecting you or spoiling you. It is all out of good thought and a good intention" he replied calmly. The way he said it sent shivers down Hermione's spine and tingles erupt in her cheeks. She was sure that now she was as red as a tomato.

"And what is that good intention?"

With a chuckle, Draco gathered his things and began to leave, throwing one last comment over his shoulder: "You will soon find out, princess."

Authors Note:

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Authors Note:

131 reads! This is honestly so amazing! Yes, it is still small numbers but each read means so much to me. So keep reading and sharing and commenting and stuff, and most importantly, ENJOY!

say sweet Mon Amores!

xX Matilda Xx

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