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"Training for the Ballet, Potter?"

Pleasure was what Draco felt when he fell into the couch in the Slytherin Common Room. He felt as if Hermione was slowly making her way towards him like a dragon and a jewel necklace. It sparked another idea to please Hermione, but sought that it wasn't such a good idea as charmed necklaces and jewellery were feared among Hogwarts students.

Instead, he saw the other students leave in their relaxed clothing including jeans and beanies. They were off to Hogsmead where they all gathered at 'The Three Broomsticks' to drink Butter-beer and cherish memories. Draco wasn't one to be in that kind of 'scene'. There were strictly too many goody-goodies from Hogwarts that hang in there. Unfortunately, Hermione was one of them.

The idea of inviting Hermione to Hogsmead seemed like a great idea to get to know each other, but Draco knew that the other two of the trio would come along and torment the two. Why is it so hard for Draco to talk to Hermione?

Sparks flew in Draco's mind as he remembered that the Gryffindor's had quidditch training that afternoon, giving Hermione the day to be free from the two delinquents. Draco was ecstatic that he finally conjured a plan, but was only shown through going against his entire personality and set façade.

Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

Springing off of the couch, Draco changed into something more comfortable and warm for the cold air that sliced at bare skin. He pulled on his favourite cloak that his mother had bought him especially for the icy winters, and a Slytherin scarf just for colour. Ready to go, Draco ran towards the only place where he found Hermione when the Gryffindor's were training – the Pitch.

Draco got there in no time as secret routes played to his advantage. When he climbed up to where Hermione sat on a couple of days before, she was not alone. Cormac McLaggen was with her yet again. Gladly, Cormac hadn't seen Draco approaching, but Hermione had spotted him from the side of her eye.

She was relieved when she saw him, and it didn't stop Draco from letting a small smile onto his lips. But with the intentions of scaring Cormac away, he put another death-eating scowl, just like dementors.

"Training? Bah! How did you even get onto the team, Cormac?" Draco commented, butting into the conversation. Hermione looked expectedly at Cormac, patiently waiting for his response but knew well enough that there wasn't going to be one.

"What do you want, Malfoy? Did your team finally vote you out?" Cormac snarled at Draco that only spread a wide smile on his lips.

"Actually, I was coming to ask Miss Granger here if she would like to accompany me to Hogsmead, far away from your vicinity." Draco had played it classy and smart, but he knew a small catch had come with his battle move. If Hermione says yes than he gains the lead, but if she says no... well, Draco's face will be as red as a dead and defeated warrior.

Hermione flicked her gaze between Cormac who stared at her with telepathic hopes that she would turn him down, and Draco who was patiently waiting for her response but had his heart in this throat. Surely Hermione would love to escape Cormac's overly flirty remarks, but with Draco? It was nothing she expected.

But when she stood and turned to Draco, both boys were on the edge of good or bad news. "Thank you for inviting me, Draco" she first said calmly. "I would love to come, although I do not have any money with me."

"No worries, it will all be on me." Draco smiled with victory as he allowed Hermione through to the stairs, throwing a sneaky glare behind his back at Cormac whose mouth was gaped. Yes, Hermione said yes to leave with Draco instead of him. It was unexpected of Draco, but there is still light even in the darkest of places.

The Slytherin Ball | #DRAMIONE  ✓Where stories live. Discover now