Chapter 4

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Mallory's POV

I sit on the bed and help Nick pack for his tour I fold a shirt and a pair of his shorts then put them in his bag. He looks at me then moves his bag and sits down next to me I sigh then lay my head on his shoulder he reaches over and holds my hand "I don't want to go Mal I want to be with you and the kids." This wasn't going to be easy it was his first tour since Katherine was born. "I know Nick but everything will be fine we will come visit you one weekend." "Thanks Mal." I kiss the side of his neck then he puts the bag back on the bed and the two of us finish packing together. Once he has everything he needs he goes to see Jack and Katherine I sigh I didn't want him to go either I wanted him here and I wasn't ready for the next few months.

Nick's POV

I go to Jack's room then sit in the floor and we play with his toy cars for a while a little later I look at my watch it was time for me to leave. "I have to go little man I'll see you later I love you." He hugs me then wraps his arms around my neck "I love you too daddy." I close my eyes then stand there and hold him in my arms before I get up. I walk in the nursery and see Katherine sleeping I lean down then kiss her head I walk downstairs and see Mallory standing by the door she looks up at me and smiles I walk over then hug her and wrap my arms around her waist. She hugs back then wraps her arms around my neck I kiss her then she kisses back "I love you Nick." "I love you too Mal." I kiss her head pick up my bag then leave.

Mallory's POV

That night after dinner I give Katherine her bath then put her to bed first, Jack watches cartoons for a while then I put him to bed after her bath. I walk through the house picking up toys, I feed all three of the dogs then wash the dishes and put them away after that's done I turn off the lights in the kitchen leave a lamp on in the living room then go into mine and Nick's bedroom. I missed Nick it had been awhile since the two of us had spent the night apart I wished he was at home I didn't like sleeping alone I knew we were in a safe neighborhood plus I had two German Shepherds. I change into one of Nick's shirts then get in bed grab Nick's pillow then fall asleep holding it.

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