Chapter 30

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Nick's POV

I take a deep breath then look in the mirror as I get ready for the vow renewal I was nervous. I look around at all the guys getting ready then I look down at Jack he was just a baby the first time we did this now he was going to be three in just a few months it was hard to believe just how fast time flew by. I sit down then run my hands through his hair I was ready to get this over with I wanted Mal to know how much I loved her this time I wasn't going to mess up I was going to be completely faithful to her she was all that I wanted. I look at Jack again then fix his tie and smile today was going to be a good day.

Mallory's POV

For the second time that morning I run to the bathroom and throw up I take a deep breath sip some water brush my teeth then sit down. I was nervous about this but I couldn't understand why I was so nervous I was happy and excited to be doing this with Nick I was ready to do this I loved him we had worked everything out I knew Nick had changed. He was committed to this I knew that this time I wouldn't have anything to worry about he wouldn't cheat on me again I knew we would be able to make it work this time. I look over as Ro puts some light make up on Katherine I smile because one day she would be getting ready for her own wedding.

Kevin's POV

The music starts then Nick walks outside and takes his place at the altar Brian and I walk with him, then AJ and Howie walk out with Leigh and Ro. The next one behind them is Katherine throwing out flowers with Kristin walking next to her, next is Jack holding a sign that says "here comes our girl daddy." Leigh Anne was walking with him and everyone laughs when they read the sign. I look over at Nick as he takes a deep breath then smiles she looks back at him and smiles the two of us them only had eyes for each other today. This time would be better I just knew it.

Nick's POV

With this being our second ceremony we had asked for the preacher to pray and bless our marriage, our growing family and the rest of our life together. When it's time to say our vows, I take Mal's hand then look in her eyes "On our wedding day I pledged and promised many things to you including my faithfulness. With great sorrow and regret I admit that I broke that vow but I realize now the enormity of my mistake. Others come and go but you're the constant in my life I will always love you I believe in this marriage now more than ever. Today with this ring in front of our friends and family I reaffirm my love and commitment to you." I take the ring and slide it on her hand.

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Mallory's POV

I take a deep breath then swallow down the lump in my throat and blink back the tears. I look at Nick and meet his blue eyes "We aren't perfect we've both made mistakes but together we are and we have something that is perfect. You're the best father that our children can have and you're one of the greatest guys ever I can't tell you how lucky and how thankful I am for us to be together. I love you so much and I thank God every day for you moving in next door I know we have it right this time." I pick up the black wedding ring I had chosen for Nick then slide it on his hand. The engraving on the inside was simple "I love you." But he would see it every day he wore the ring.

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"I now pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride." Nick wraps his arms around Mallory's waist then kisses her she kisses back and wraps her arms around his neck. We all stand up then start clapping the two of them pull away and smile at each other then they start walking back down the aisle together I was proud of Nick a lot of men wouldn't have worked as hard as he did to save his marriage and bring his family back together. I couldn't be any happier for Nick we all knew that Mal was good for him he was meant to be with her no other girl could ever make him as happy as she did.

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