The Vow 6

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Chapter 6

"As you know, my name is Nico. In the old tongue it means simply this 'of the victorious people'. I assume you wonder why I'm in Cain's body. Cain is the descendant, of an old race, a race that had been eradicated before the courts began. The courts consist of the Seelie or holy court and the Unseelie the un-holy court. Just as the names imply the worst of the worst are at the Un-seelie court, the Seelie court has the best of the worst. No Fey is truly kind, we are a fickle and capricious people, and to each his own may apply here."

"So how does that old race have anything to do with him?"

"Ah, an excellent question my dear, that ancient race was known as Darklore; they were a group in contact with good and evil, they understood the meaning of balance in nature as well as themselves. Now understand that each child gets taught to see their night sister or brother as exactly that, their family. Cain wasn't raised or taught that so he's searched his entire life for the missing piece he never realized he carried with him all along. I'm Cain's other, his dark brother the opposite of everything he is, you see it from the darkness of my eyes, don't you?"

"Yes, but...what about Cain, will he ever come back?" I shook my head slightly and blinked back the absurd tears, how could I cry over him? I didn't even know him, not truly.

"Cain, will never be back" His voice was saturated with finality as if he knew the future.

"Cain hid my existence, even from himself, he was weak and I took over I'll never allow him back not until he realizes the strength of duality as well as balance. Originally I was merely to be a shadow a figure that came only at dark to assist, but now? Now I'm the sole user of this body while Cain heals, and slowly this body will change it will be mine."

Looking into his eyes I saw they'd changed yet again, the outer circle of his iris had lightened turning a deep purple, the color of pansies. The color faded until it reached the black of his pupil. Then I looked at him, really looked at him by the light of the sun shining through the broken ceiling, he was paler and his hair was a shade darker, unnoticeable unless you looked for it, which of course I was.

I had to face it Cain was not here and apparently he was never coming back, tears pricked my eyes flowing to the corners as if seeking refuge from the harsh world. Looking up into Cain, no, Nico's face I felt the tears flow more freely pouring down my face, silent sobs wracked my body. Un-human sounds came from me; at least I thought it was me. I was crying, sobbing and then I felt it, Nico wrapping his arms around me turning me angling me to face his chest.

My face rested against his chest my salty tears, wetting and ruining his clean shirt. Snuggling in closer I felt my tears stopping and I was left exhausted emotionally as well as physically. Still in Nico's embrace I let my eyes close and my mind drift held in the arms of someone who cares.


Ah, another short one lately i just don't have the.......stamina? to write more than a few pages....this is like 2, maybe3, pages on word......signing off

xxNigh101 another chapter or 2 coming up and not just in the vow....

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