The Vow 7

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Chapter 7

I was dreaming, surrounded by that familiar presence I ran toward the end of the darkness. I was panting, my eyes wide filled with hope, when I finally reached it Cain was waiting at the darkness' end. It was incomprehensible as I stared, the horrible moment played in my mind once again, the moment I ended his life. Staring at his back I took an involuntary step forward, "Cain" his name forced its way through my numb lips, my hand was outstretched toward him. When he turned I finally saw his face, the bright green eyes and long copper hair, no longer in the pretense of an average human.

Though he looked to be the same Cain as before, he was far from the headstrong fey from earlier. He was paler than before. His eyes had a haunted look about them. However what stood out the most was not the paleness of his skin or the bruise like shadows under his eyes, no; it was the long and jagged laceration on his throat. From the cut a black design swirled across his skin moving up toward his right eye, he looked at me his eyes darkening.

"Dianna." "Cain, what happened? What's going on?"

"Didn't Nico explain? You should know exactly what happened"

"No! That's not what I meant! Why did this happen?! What happened to me on that day?!"

"I don't know Dianna, I don't know, but my blood is on your hands, and I suggest you find out why."

The darkness rushed forward surrounding us, and he faded away like a dark mist, I awoke sweat soaked and gasping. Panting off the after-effects of my dream I sat up wiping the sweat from my forehead. Standing I looked down at myself, I was covered in a cold sweat, the dresses back stuck to my damp skin, the long skirt an unpleasant weight over my legs. Looking around I searched for Nico, he wasn't there, and walking down hall after hall I searched for the exit.

Walking through the cracked doors I cast a paranoid glance around me and sighed, I had a feeling this would be the only chance I'd get to checkout my surroundings. Hefting myself onto the crumbling brick wall I looked out into the surrounding forest, and gasped, Toto I don't think we're in Kansas anymore. All around me sat strange twisted ancient trees, the leaves were bright emerald, and the sky was unbelievable. Everything, every last thing around me was so unbelievably bright, colorful and unreal; I sighed tilting my face back to let the sun's rays warm me.

I gasped, having the time to only yelp before the wall crumbled beneath me, I landed on something hard yet soft. Opening my eyes I saw that Nico had caught me, he looked far from happy, in fact he looked down right angry. I gave a strained smile and a nervous chuckle, not even bothering to put me down Nico carried me back into the ruined building where he preceded to drop me onto the floor in front of him.

"Ow, what was that for?"

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