Chapter 5

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(Still Japan's POV)


Soon enough they walk back in, a thin packet in England's hands.

"Sit down dude, we gotta talk about this," America says gesturing toward the dining room behind me. I take a seat on one of the nice mahogany chairs that match with its mahogany table. His whole house is absolutely gorgeous. A crystal chandelier dripped from the roof, just above the table. The other countries join me looking weary enough. They think I'll break the contract and I can tell England still doesn't trust me. He slides the papers in front of me and hands me a pen.

"Basically, this is a peace treaty. Each paper is for each of our countries. The last paper you have to sign tells us that we can trust you and you're not an Axis spy, got it?" He explains.

I nod and pick up the pen, not bothering to actually read the papers. I begin to write my name 'J-

"You're real name." France butts in, tapping his finger on the name line. I scowl to myself. What if I sign this, and can't go back after a month? Well..... I'm not with them anymore. It's okay to do this. My hand begins to shake a bit. I'm not exactly sure with myself if I should be doing this or not. This could be a huge mistake... I will myself to continue. More power....for the sake of my country.

'Kiku Honda' I scribble on the sheet of paper, one after the next. The countries smile at each other in a devious way, making me nervous in a devious way, making me nervous. Except for Russia, he merely grins from his seat with his innocent face, but we all know he's anything but.

"Great! You're officially a member of the Allied forces bro. Welcome to the family!" America exclaims, clapping me on the back, making me lurch forward a bit. The other nations stand up and bid their goodbyes and one by one file out the door, leaving me alone in America's house.

"You can stay here for tonight and I'll drive you back to the market so you can get your car. Just make yourself comfortable!" He smiles and stomps up the stairs.

I sit alone at his dining room table with nothing to do. What do I do? I'm a part of the Allies now, and I'm clueless. What are Italy and Germany going to think? I've completely betrayed our friendship.... maybe I can talk America into letting me leave after a month. But that would be completely irrational! After a month I will know most of their information, they will never let me leave! They even left the room to discuss the contract so obviously, they are hiding something... I should have never signed it. What have I gotten myself into?

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