Chapter 9

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Italy's POV


I lay in my bed, thinking about how Japan is actually going to rebel against them. He's always loyal to his word, so if he signed a contract, why isn't he sticking to it? I mean, I'm happy that he's back in our house, even if it is only for a night. It just feels right.

A thumping sound downstairs makes me spring up in bed. I begin to shake but I need to calm down it was probably just one of Germany's dogs. I lay back down and pull the blankets to my chin, but my eyes never close. The dogs don't make noise in the night, they sleep. All of a sudden Adler, the German shepherd, begins to bark. I jump out of bed and move to my dresser. I pop one of my pills in my mouth and swallow it down with the glass of water on the nightstand.

I dig through and find my pistol, the one I never touch but keep emergencies. If I'm gonna be strong like Germany, I gotta act like him. I grab my white flag by the door and move out into the hallway. I can't help it, it gives me a sense of protection and I need it now more than ever. THe last time I held this pistol was when I put it in the dresser years ago.

The door across the hall flies open and Germany steps out, his own pistol in hand. He gives me a look like 'you're actually holding that thing?' I nod and close my eyes, swallowing the lump in my throat. Get it together Italy, for Germany's sake.....

I hold my gun out in front of me in a ready position as Germany and I glide through the hallway. We make it into the living room and I gasp, my eyes pooling tears. Adler lay motionless in the middle of the carpet. The dogs stay outside during the day so they come inside in the night. I glanced at Germany and see the pain written all over his face, though soon it turns to anger.

He checks both sides of the hallway, making sure it's clear before running over to Adler. I watch in anticipation while he holds his hands to the dog's neck, checking for a pulse.

"Hello." An overly sweet voice says behind me and I freeze. Everybody knows that voice, and everybody is afraid of it. Germany spins around, pointing the gun right over my shoulder.

"Now Italy," He says. I see ablade come into veiw in front  of my face and I begin to cry. "if I were you, I would drop the gun." He drags the blade gently along my cheek, making me openly weep in pain. I begin trembling uncontrollable and I drop the pistol and my flag, putting my hands raised out in front of me.

"I-I SURRENDER!!!!" I cry out, my tears spilling over my cheeks. The other allies move from out of the shadows and corners, snickering one of them is missing. Only France, China, and England come out and I know for a fact Russia is behind me. Germany flicks his gun back and forth between France and China, then over my shoulder again. I think I have a feeling I know where America is.

"We've come to collect a friend of ours Allenmagne, and we believe you have him." France explains, pacing the room. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Germany growls. "What did you do to my dog?"

China giggles a bit. "I knocked him out with a tranquilizer aru."

Russia moves the blade down to my throat. "So you don't mind that we checked your basement da?"

Almost on Que, the basement door swings open and America and Japan walk out, America holds Japan's hands behind his back with his amazing strength.

"You kidnapped our friend and there will be consequences." America says, his face completely serious for the first time.

"B-But we didn't-ah-kidnap him!" I choke out and Russia presses the knife harder against my throat, but not hard enough to break the skin.

"Don't listen to them, they came to my home and brought me here. They threw me down in the basement and pressured me for information." Japan whispers.

Germany's expression is one of shock, but he stays quiet instead of arguing. My heart feels as if it has frozen and been coated in ice. He's a traitor..... more salty drops fall and I sob loudly.

"So no one is denying it, eh?" America says with a smirk.

"I-It's a trick," I weep."they s-sent Japan here to say those things t-to start a f-fight."

The nation's all look at me in surprise, then France begins to laugh.

"Ohonhonhon I guess my little brother isn't as idiotic as I thought he was." He chuckles.

America rolls his eyes and walks himself and Japan towards the open door, the other countries follow behind. I feel the knife leave my neck and I drop to my knees, bawling.

"This isn't over!!!!" Germany yells after them in pure anger, "We'll get you back!!"


Here's the second chapter of the day. 

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