Chapter 3

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After the whole fiasco with the pasta and Italy cutting his hand, we agreed on an easy solution: frozen pizzas. It sure as hell is a lot easier than trying to make dinner, again.  Plus nobody is going to accidentally chop off their hand putting a simple pizza in the oven.

"ve~ This is great!" Italy exclaims, plopping down at the kitchen table. "No matter what we went through today, we still ended up eating Italian! Isn't it wonderful?" HIs big eyes smiled at me and for the first time, I notice how beautiful they actually are. With his eyes squinted shut all the time I never really got to see his caramel brown pools. They complete his face almost a perfect match for his light brown hair, making him look years younger than he actually is. How old is he anyway? I can't help but wonder as he watches me pull the gooey pizza out of the oven. He's completely turned around in his seat, head resting on the back of the chair. I place the pizza in the middle of the table giving a small grin when he basically dives for a slice. The hungry Italian scarfs down half his piece by the time I sit in my chair. 

 I decide, taking a piece for myself, he is like a teenager; always hungry, always lazy, and always complaining. But he is probably almost 200 years old.

"Yes, it is," I reply. His head snaps up, leaving behind a bridge of cheese. 

"Voo vearry tink so?" he says with a mouth full. I chuckle lightly as his reaction. I usually don't answer thing like that, I just leave it rhetorical and he's come to know that, not expecting a reply.

"Yeah, I like seeing you this happy. Now eat, we have training tomorrow and need sleep."

He nods and continues eating but I can see his mind is elsewhere. His vacant eyes staring at his plate. I try not to notice, taking small bites of my pizza, but I'm so curious as to what he's thinking about. Maybe he is just tired, I guess it's been a rough day for both of us.

Just before I'm about to ask him what's wrong, he gives me my answer. "Where is he?"

I raise one eyebrow and cock my head in confusion. What is he talking about?

"Where's who?"

"Japan. He has been gone all day and hasn't come home yet."

My heat drops to my stomach. How will I explain this... I can feel a bead of sweat roll down my forehead in nervousness and a lump forms in my throat preventing me from telling him the truth.

"uh well you see... he uh... went to the market earlier, and it got late so he uh... stayed in his country. I'm sure his paperwork is stacking up so he might be gone for a while.." I lie in a not so smooth way. 

"you must not be feeling good after all Germany! You never stutter." He giggles wiping the sauce off his face with his sleeve. We eat the rest of our meal in silence after that and I put our plates in the sink. I can hear the big rain droplets pound on the roof like bullets. It's going to storm tonight... another reason for Italy to cry. I sigh and wander into the living room. Sitting on the couch I pick up a book of the lamp table and begin to read, crossing my legs. 

No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get lost in the story. I stare at the same page, rereading the same sentences for what seems like forever because the words just don't process. My mind keeps going back to Japan. Maybe I'll call him tomorrow and try to talk things through with him.

I still don't understand why he's acting so childish! A little training doesn't hurt anybody, so why did he leave?  My eyes widen at a certain thought. 'I hate watching Italy try so hard to keep up but you're never satisfied.' Does Japan, maybe, like Italy for some reason....?... Nien..... he may be creepy with that camera of his but I never expected him to be.. gay or anything but... do I? Is that .... that other feeling that's not appreciation? NIEN! I'M DEFINITELY NOT GAY!

I shake my head trying to get the weird assumptions out of my mind. A loud crash sounds outside like the clanging of trashcan lids and a flash of light comes soon after startling me a bit.

Three..... Two... One...

I hear the sound of feet padding down the hallway at a rapid pace against the hardwood flooring telling me that Italy is coming. He scrambles into the living room and almost knocks over the coffee table just to fly onto me, latching onto my arm like a leech.

Perfect timing.

"Germany... Germany!" He cries repeating my name as usual. I just set down the book and lift him into my lap holding him like a baby. He clutches onto my white tank top, burying his face in my chest. I can feel him shaking and quivering in fear. I honestly didn't know he was this scared of lightning... it makes me feel sorry.

I soothingly hold him there, drawing circles into his back with my fingertips. He's just so adorable like this, so.... vulnerable. I feel my face heat up madly and I mentally slap myself for thinking such things. 

Soon enough I feel him breathing at a steady pace, his body limp. He fell asleep. I glance at the clock ticking away on the wall; 9:24. I decide it's time for bed for the both of us and I carefully stand up holding him gently in fear of waking him. I walk us both to my bedroom knowing at one point during the night he will come crawling into bed with me anyway. After I tuck him under the sheets, I remove my pants and join him. Almost instinctively, as if I was a teddy bear, he wraps his skinny arms around my waist curling up to me. I close my eyes and rest my cheek on top of his head slowly drifting off into sleep as the storm goes on.


Hey guys, so sorry this did not get out faster so I decided to upload two chapters instead of one. Thank you for reading the book so far. I hope you check out some of the other book the original author has. What is your favorite type of music? Please answer if you want. I will try to upload tomorrow too. BYEEEEEEE!!!

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