Chapter 13

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Italy's POV


My eyes slowly flutter open when the morning lights floods through the curtains. I slowly sit up and stretch my arms out, yawning. My cheeks feel dry form all of my crying..... I pause mid yawn and my eyes go wide. What is he going to say??  My hands tremble slightly as I crawl out of bed, observing the camera. The light isn't on so he is not watching. I trudge to the dresser and yank open the drawers. What if he gets mad... or did he notice? 

I pull on a loose white tee shirt and head to the door. I poke my head into Germany's room across the hall. I was hoping he was still asleep but all I find is his bed neatly made so he obviously is up. Unlike my room, Germany's is clean and tidy while mine looks as if a stampede of horses ran through it. I sigh and make my way down the hall and through the kitchen doors. I see Germany making breakfast, placing eggs, bacon, and hash browns on two plates. He had very noticeable dark bags underneath his eyes, indicating that he had just as much sleep as me.

My breath hitches in my throat when he smiles at me. The smile looked forced and I have to admit, scary.

"Guten morgen Italy, would you like some breakfast? I've made two plates." He greeted me in an almost..... Russia way.. it sends shivers down my spine. I shake it off and nod, sitting down in my usual spot at the table. 

"And how about a side of antidepressants with that?" He adds, the words dripping from his mouth like poison. My body goes stiff and my expression blank. So he did find out..... He walks over and slams the bottle on the table in front of me causing me to jump and I couldn't help the tears that start in my eyes.

"I-it's not what you think... Really.."

He rolls his eyes and puts his hand on his hip, but not in a girl way. 

"Explain it then. Do you really have depression, or are you taking them to get high? Is that why your so weird all the time?"  I shake my head and stand up, angry. 

"No! I'm just naturally like that! Why would you think I would ever do drugs? ....Don't you trust me..?" I choked out, a small sob escaping my throat. I see his frustrated expression waver slightly, showing a small bit of sadness. He regains his composer and his face goes hard again.

"Of course I trust you Italy, it just looks very suspicious when you take random pills that I don't know about." He growls.

"I'm just taking them so I won't be scared anymore!" I shout, the salty drops now dripping. I slam my hands on the table and continue on. "Dammit Germany, you're making crazy assumptions again! Just sit down and I will explain everything to you." 

He freezes and looks at me shocked, I've never had an outburst like that before. He moves to the table and sits down in the chair next to mine, Forgetting all about the food on the counter. He fiddles with his hands, indicating for me to continue and he is listening. 

I took a deep breath and start. "I went to visit the doctor about a week ago to see if he knew of a cure for my fear. He said that there is no cure for ballistophobia, but antidepressants can help calm me down. At first I was just taking them for that purpose, but I realized they were helping me feel a little more happy again-"

"What do you mean happy again? Haven't you been happy this entire time? I've never seen you in a very sad state, you just cry for the little things."

"No. With this whole fiasco about Japan, you've been... almost ignoring me. I mean except for yesterday.." I give a small smile. " I'm not used to not having attention, so I felt very lonely. I started taking them more to make me feel better, even after I told myself they were only for emergencies." I rub my hands together nervously and sit back down. It almost looks like Germany's eyes are watering but I can't exactly tell. His lips were pulled down into the saddest frown I've ever seen. He sighs heavily and pulls me into his warm embrace, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck.

"You have to remember that I'll never forget about you. Okay? I don't want you to be sad. Ever." He mumbled. I nod to afraid that if I speak I'll just break down. I feel the pulse of his heart against my hand on his chest, fast and hard. 

"You know," he continues, pulling away all too soon, "This reminds me of when you left a letter at the door of my study because you were afraid that Russia would take your place and we would forget about you. No matter what, you're still my best friend."

I nod again looking down at my hand, tracing my finger along the thin line where the cute used to be. "Am I allowed to take the pills still?' I choke out, hoping for a yes. 

He rubs the bridge of his nose in thought. Finally, he meets my hazel eyes. Remember? I'm keeping them open now so I don't miss anything else..."I guess. But only for emergencies. Just use them if we are being attacked or something, please." He sighed, "But you have to ask me before you take one and keep the bottle in the medicine cabinet." He points to the skinny cupboard beside the sink. 

I give him a wide smile, half fake but it was half genuine. I do feel a bit better after saying what was on my mind.. I stand up and walk to the cabinet and set the bottle inside. I then shut the door and turn when something flies right by my face, causing me to freeze. The object is long and thin, sticking out of the other cupboard that holds the plates. I glace to the right and see a hole in the window and the bushes moving again. 

My expression contorts to a scared one, my heart pounding faster and faster every second, then finally I scream. Germany spins around in his chair when he suddenly sees the arrow in front of me making his eyes widen. I can't believe he didn't hear the glass breaking. W-were they....really tr-trying to kill me...? He runs to me and moves me to the side. His face is red with rage. He rips the arrow from the cupboard making the wood splinter. He then removes a piece of paper from it. 

I do not get to see what it says when he opened it, but I can tell it isn't good when his eyes lose their shine and he frowns again. I am not even sure if I want to.. that is the second time I have almost died in the past week. 

"I started something I shouldn't have.." He mumbled quietly, leaning against the counter top and for the first time, I saw a small tear slide down his cheek. 


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