Chapter 1

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I was running just about as fast as my legs would let me, the buildings zipped by in a not-so zipping manner. I said I was going my fastest but I never said it was fast. Germany doesn't allow breaks so it was getting hard for me to breathe. I glanced up far ahead at the two of them; Germany and Japan. Japan looks like he's having some trouble too, but at least he can keep up with Germany. Little beads of sweat rolled down Japan's forehead.

"Hey Italy,"

I switch my gaze over to Germany. The running doesn't seem to bother him at all, maybe he's going easy on us....

"If you jog faster, I'll let you make pasta."

He doesn't have to say it twice,. I get a huge energy burst and pass both of them, laughing like a maniac. 

"Italy, wait!" I hear him shout but I just ignored him.

"PASTAAAAAAA!!!" I scream, running down the dirt path to Germany's house. Once I arrive I scurry into the kitchen and pulled the noodles from the pantry. I then set a pot of water and waited for it to boil.

Germany is so kind, letting me cook pasta for lunch. I think while dumping the noodles in. I don't really like training but otherwise I love living here. Germany, Japan, and I all get along great and I don't get beat up! I really hope it stays like this forever...

It becomes silent as I stir the noodles, adding a few ingredients here and there. I don't like this.... I can't hear Germany on the phone and Japan isn't vacuuming the living room. It's to quiet!

"Draw a circle that's the Earth," I sing to bring in some noise.

"I'm Hetaaaliiiaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

"Italy," A deep voice mumbles from across the kitchen. Looking up from the tomato I was cutting to see Germany in the doorway.

"ve~ Hello Doitsu, are you feeling okay?" I question, observing his sad expression.

"yes, I'm fine," He shuffles to sit on one of the stools in front of the counter. He says he's okay but his face says otherwise. All the color was drained from his cheeks leaving him looking as if he's seen a ghost.

"I just have a headache, that's all." He says while placing his head in his hands.

I frowned. I really don't like seeing Germany like this, it hurts me inside... I know! I'm going to help him!

"Why don't you go lay down and I will bring you tea, okay?" I tell him with a smile. He nods and lets me help him up, holding his arm all the way to his room. I push open the door while Germany drags his feet in. He plops down on the side of the bed and pulls off his sweaty tank top, exposing his bare chest. A small blush creeps to my cheeks but I hide it, holding my hand to his forehead.

"You do feel a little warm, I will be right back. Do you want Black or Green tea?" I whisper, afraid that if I talk too loud I will make his headache worse.

He looks up into my orbs, "Green."

Looking into his eyes makes me think he's not actually sick, but something is bothering him. Maybe if I gaze deeper I'll find the cause.

I want to but I have make his tea. Turning around and walking to the door, reaching for the knob.

"Um...Italy?" Germany asks his voice sounding closer then it should be. I spin around to see him standing in front of me. I didn't even hear him move! I gasp when he engulfs me in a hug. His toned chest is warm against my cold frame. The blush on my cheeks grew larger as he holds me like this.

"G-Germany...!" I stutter in complete shock, this is the first time he has hugged me. I wrap my shaking arms around his torso wearily. He gently holds my head to his chest and I can feel the steady rise and fall of his breathing, though his heart is pounding fast.

"Thank you." He says into my ear, causing me to shiver.

I giggled, "You're welcome Doitsu! I think that's the first time you've thanked me. I just want you to be happy!"

I can feel his mouth shift to a frown against my hair, making my heart drop. He sighed quietly.

"Please don't call me that Italy.."

"Hm? Why?" I ask in confusion, pulling away from the hug. "But Japan gets to call you that."

He just stared at me with a mixture of sadness and frustration.

"We're not talking about Japan right now." He says firmly, trying to stay calm. Why can't we talk about him? This is so confusing...

"Doi- I mean Germany, I think you need to rest. I will be back with your tea." I change the subject, getting back to the real matter. I place my hands on his chest, pushing him backwards gently. He seems flustered that I'm the one pushing him onto his bed, his face tinted red. I'm just trying to get him to lay down.

I pull the blankets back and he crawls underneath,bringing the soft fabric to his chin. For a big strong guy, he sure looks cute like this. I smile at him and leave the room turning the light off behind me. The closer I came to the kitchen I started to smell something burning and an odd sizzling noise that caught my attention. 

"AH! MY PASTA!" I shrieked dashing into the small cooking area to see the water in the pot boiling over and the smell intensifies. A cloud of steam hung in the kitchen and I started to freak out. I have to take care of this so Germany can sleep. I can't have him solve all my problems.

I snatch the pot holders and move the over flowing noodle to the next burner. The steam felt so hot as it started to invade every inch of my exposed skin and cause my hair to stick to my head. I rushed around opening all the windows in the kitchen and living room trying my best to air out the place. I turn off the stove and slide to the floor, back pressed to the cupboards. I sigh in exhaustion, raking my hand through my hair. How could I forget I was cooking? I could've burned down his house... I think fighting back tears. 

"Italy? What's going on? Where are you?!?" I hear Germany shout. Oh no...What is he going to think? Am I going to get another lecture? 

He bolts around the corner, frantically searching for me. A quiet sob escapes my lips when I see his worried expression. When he finds me curled up on the floor his scared face changes to one of relief.

"Mein gott you're okay." He breathes falling to his knees. I can't stop it, he looked so frightened. The salty drops begin to fall at a steady pace down my cheeks as I cry out loudly. I fling onto him, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly.

"I-I'm so s-sorry G-Germany!" I wail into his shoulder. His body tenses at first but then places his strong arms around my back making me feel protected,

"Shh shhh.... it's okay Italy. You didn't do anything wrong." He coos trying to calm me down from my state.

Minutes past as he cradles me in his lap, stoking my light brown hair. I stopped crying but there was the occasional hiccup.

"I was just so scared that I had set your house on fire, b-but I didn't want to bother you so I handled it myself..." I whisper softly. He sighed in exasperation and our eyes meet, blue against brown. 

"What? Italy you know I would have taken care of this to keep you safe." His orbs swarm with sadness yet look so caring, making my insides want to melt. 

"I know."

Italy's Bullet (Italy X Germany)Where stories live. Discover now