chapter 9

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"He had this coming." Denny said.

"Yep." Darwin agreed.

Gumball cried out as he kept running. "MOMMY! HEEEELP!!!"

"I'll explain to Mrs. Mom why Silver is chasing Gumball." Darwin said.

"Good idea..." Denny agreed. "So, what do you wanna do?"

"You wanna do something with me?" Darwin's eyes glowed.

"Yeah, let's watch a movie or something..." Denny shrugged. "Maybe play that game you and Gumball play all the time."

"Yeah!" Darwin beamed.

Denny glanced at his excitement, then shrugged and left with the goldfish.

Silver continued to chase after Gumball before he bumped into one of the girls by accident. Gumball yelped as he kept running.

"Oof!" the girl cried out.

"Oh, I'm so sorry..." Silver said to the girl he knocked over.

"It's okay, I should have been looking where I was going." The girl said.

"Here, let me help you up." Silver said, holding out his hand for her.

The girl held out her hand back and was gently pulled up by him.

Silver then gently dusted her clean. "I don't think we've properly met."

"No, we haven't." The girl said.

"My name is Silver Orion; what's your name?" Silver asked.

"My name's Amaryllis." the girl replied.

"That's quite a name," Silver smiled. "Kinda fits your sparkliness."

The girl giggled to that.

"So, what classes do you have?" Silver asked.

"Oh, um, I'm in eighth grade actually," Amaryllis told him.

"Oh, are you thirteen?" Silver asked.

"No, but I was moved up a grade," Amaryllis explained. "I guess that's why we haven't seen each other... You're one of those new kids in seventh grade, huh?"

"Yeah." Silver nodded.

"Wow, well, you sure are big and strong for a seventh grader." Amaryllis smiled.

"Oh, um, thank you..." Silver smiled bashfully.

"Um, mind if I feel your muscles?" Amaryllis asked.

"Not at all." Silver said before flexing his muscles.

Amaryllis giggled shyly as she then felt his muscles and gently cooed. "Ooh~..."

"Yeah, I work-out a lot." Silver said.

"I would really like to come over to your house sometime." Amaryllis smiled.

"I would really like that too," Silver smiled back. He then got an idea. "Hey, why don't you come over to my place today?" he then suggested.

"Oh, um, I don't know..." Amaryllis replied, that was such short notice. "Shouldn't we talk to your family first?"

"Oh, right," Silver said, nearly forgetting about his family. "I nearly forgot about my family."

Amaryllis giggled. "Your head up in the clouds, Silver?"

"You could say that." Silver laughed with her.

"Tell you what, we'll talk with our families tonight and see what happens tomorrow." Amaryllis suggested.

"Agreed." Silver nodded.

Amaryllis smiled to him and gave him a hug. "I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay..." Silver blushed from the hug.

And with that, the sparkly girl skipped down the hallway as she waved her ponytail in her steps.

'W-What's this feeling I'm having?' Silver thought to himself as he walked back home while feeling his heart.

Denny was being picked up by Richard as he offered to drive her home with Gumball, Darwin, and Anais and where she saw Silver walking home, but he looked a tad bit different. Denny looked out the window as she saw the wolf boy with a slight spring in his step. Richard came up to a stoplight.

Denny rolled down the window. "Silver?!"

"Oh, hi, Denny!" Silver called back. "Isn't it a wonderful day?!"

"I guess so..." Denny shrugged.

"Dude, you look like your brain got sucked out and you're in love with everything." Darwin commented.

"Or that he finally met a girl he's fallen in love with." Anais guessed.

Silver laughed a little with a small sigh.

"OMG, you're in love, aren't you?" Denny asked then.

"Uh-huh." Silver nodded, completely in love, thinking about Amaryllis, not even minding that a car crashed into him with him not feeling a thing.

The others looked in shock. Silver hummed as he kept walking home with a spring in his step.

"Is he alright?" Richard asked.

"Yeah, he's cool." Anais replied.

"Yep." Darwin nodded.

Richard then drove after the light turned green. Silver continued to go down the path, skipping.

At dinner...

Silver's mind was elsewhere.

Silver... Silver... SILVER!" Nathan yelled.

"Huh, what?" Silver asked.

"I said, 'Do you want lemonade?'." Nathan replied as he held the pitcher.

"Oh, yeah, sure." Silver said.

Nathan then poured lemonade into his younger brother's glass.

"You've been quiet tonight, Silver, are you feeling well?" Elizabeth asked in concern.

"I'm feeling just wonderful." Silver smiled.

"Oh, I guess you had a good day at school today." Eric smiled.

"Yeah, the best..." Silver sighed. "Especially with her..."

Nathan smirked to that. "Her?"

"Aw! I think our little boy has finally fallen in love." Elizabeth smiled.

Silver blushed then.

"Love?" Eric asked.

Nathan giggled. "is this true?"

Silver gulped. "Well, I did meet this girl in school..."

"So, it is true." Elizabeth smiled.

"Um, yeah..." Silver smiled nervously. "Her name's Amaryllis."

"What a beautiful name." Elizabeth smiled.

"She's really beautiful too..." Silver smiled as well.

"Your school crush." Eric said.

"Mm-hmm~..." Silver nodded.

"I've never seen you like this, bro." Nathan smiled.

Mm-hmm." Elizabeth smirked slightly to her younger son in love.

"Is it wrong for me to be in love?" Silver blushed.

The family giggled and smiled as Silver had fallen in love.

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