In New York You can be a New Man

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*Skip to a Week Later* 3rd Person P.o.V

Lillie and Justin Decided to Bring him into their apartment for the time being. He had Been grateful, though he really didn't want to show it. The teenage duo Gave him his own Bedroom and Washroom.

Gaston mostly stayed in his room, sometimes getting out to use the washroom or get some food provided by the Blond and Redhead.

This Place was strange to him, the women could do any man's task and no one would bat an eye. Women were Allowed to wear anything they wanted without a man's opinion. 

They Didn't come home before the men to make dinner, He learned that the hard way. He still had a small bruise left from when he tried Demanding her to make him a meal.

On this particular day though, gaston couldn't get his mind off of the village. It didn't even Exist. He is a Fake Person, So is LeFou, Belle, the Horrid Beast and everyone else he knew

Deciding to get up and out of his room, he went to the Blonds room to see if he was there. Justin was on his Laptop (which Gaston still didn't understand how it worked, but learned not to question it)

"Um, Hello..." Justin moved his attention from his laptop to Gaston in the Hallway. Instead of cowering like the first time they met, Justin smiled and motioned for Gaston to come in

"Hey Stranger, What's on your mind?" Justin could tell pretty easily when people are upset or sad about something, and Gaston was no Exception

"I...Uh... I've been thinking about what you said, about me not existing. Could... you... Uh..." Gaston felt stupid even thinking like this. "Could you Show me the... Movie? Is that what its called?" Justin nodded, going to their living room where the T.V. was. Gaston followed as Justin put the CD in the DvD Player.

When Justin saw the Familiar logo from "Disney" show up, he sat on the couch, motioning again for Gaston to sit beside him

"If you want me to turn it off at any time, You can tell me"


Gaston sat there in awe, it was true, he was fake. Yes, how he was portrayed in it bodily wise was much more Masculine and strong than he actually was. But personality wise, was pretty much spot on.

he realized how awful he was being to Lefou, his best friend, how Horrible he was being to belle. And to think, he shot a real person...

 A person who was Trapped inside of a Beast by a curse.

 Gaston Couldn't handle it. Gaston got up and quickly walked to his room, locking the door. He heard Justin call for him to come back but he didn't listen. That is what he did best right?

He couldn't help but hate himself while watching the movie. He was the bad guy in the story, he never saw himself like this before.

 He just saw a man with standards, now he saw a Monster. He now understood what Belle meant.

He's not a monster Gaston, you are...

Gaston was so Lost in his thoughts, he barely heard Lillie open his door and walk towards him, it was when she tapped on his shoulder, he flinched and looked towards her. 

After seeing her red hair all in a Braid, he let his guard down.

"I'm really a monster, aren't I?"

Lillie Crossed her arms and sat beside him. Trying to read his thoughts, but she knew that was impossible. She didn't know if she should say the truth or what he wanted to hear. So she just sighed.

"Yeah. You really are"

Gaston let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Of course he was a monster. What was he expecting.

"But that means you can't change" He looked up at her, Surprised. Usually she was so Brutal and didn't care if what she said offended people.

"What do you mean?"

"Just because you're a monster now, Doesn't mean you're gonna be a monster forever. You can always change, Justin and I are Willing to help." She smiled at him. Sure, she wasn't fond of the man, but everyone Deserves a second chance.

"From a young age, my father always told me how to Act. Back then, I thought that was right, I was Told if a woman was saying no, it meant she was playing and wanted you to chase her" He saw Lillie Cringe at the statement.

 But he continued.

"Now, I Realize people like my father wouldn't survive places like this, I have tried to keep an open mind before about women, but its always came back to how they were lesser. Please, I want to change, if I can never go back and right my wrongs, At least can you help me be a better person"

Lillie was surprised at his words, this man really wanted to change! She smiled and patted his shoulder

"You're already on your way to being a better person, I don't think you need much help" she smiled, and to her surprise, He smiled back.

From outside of the room, Justin smiled, he didn't expect anything like this to happen, two mostly negative people actually were working together to make some good in the world. 



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