We're Back

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Trigger warning- There is attempted suicide in this

My face turned as red as my Sweater, maybe even darker than that. I didn't know what to say. I know that Lillie is Lesbian, and Justin himself is Pansexual, but I still felt fearful, I never opened up like this to anyone

"Ignore what I said."

"No. You said I loved him. Who is him?" I never heard Justin act like this, he always seemed laid back and quiet, not the kind of person who would keep pushing for answers, that was Lillies Job.

I sighed, it wasn't like he wouldn't find out sooner or later. I shifted uncomfortably and hesitated, but I answered

"Lefou. I loved him. But that doesn't matter anymore, I can't do anything about it."

Justin looked at me with empathy in his eyes. He walked over and sat down beside me.

"Dude, don't be like that. It does matter. And you never know, you can always find a way back." I glared at the ground, how the fuck could be be so optimistic about shit like this?

"And how would you know?" I snapped, making him jump. "You're a barista at a coffee shop! You don't know shit! I'm stuck here and there's nothing anyone can do about it!"

I saw tears well up in His eyes.... Fuck... I fucked up again. Good job Gaston. Before I could get a word out, he ran out the door, I smacked my head on the table and got up and ran after him

"Justin wait! I'm sorry!" I heard the front door to the apartment slam shut and I quickly ran outside, bumping into a startled redhead

"Gaston! What the fuck is going on!" She yelled

"I accidentally said something to Justin! Come with me!" We both ran to the stairway to the top of the building, i hoped this was going to go a different way than i thought.

As we got to the top, we both froze as Justin stood at the ledge, bawling his eyes out, tears streaming down his face like a waterfall

"J-Justin! P-please come here, I didn't mean what I said!" I yelled out, taking a step towards him.

"No, you did mean it, and I know I don't know anything, so its better for me to go. I'm sorry I was such a bother lillie, I won't be anymore." He smiled through tears as he fell back.

"NO!" I ran towards him, sending us both falling down. I hear Lillie scream as we fall. I grabbed him and turned him so I would land on the ground and he would land on me. And then all I saw as we landed on the ground was light.

"Gaston? GASTON!" I hear a faint echo, and Open my eyes, I saw justin leaning over me, a fearful expression on his face.

"J-Justin?" once I was fully conscious, I sat up and hugged him "You're okay! Thank god, I'm so so so sorry for what I said!" I felt him hug back and say it was okay. But I knew it wasn't. We let go of eachother, and I finally got to look around. We were in an attic.

"Where are we?" I heard Justin ask, I shrugged and pointed to a door. We silently walked over and I opened it, surprisingly it wasn't locked. We walked downstairs with caution, not wanting to make any noise, for someone may be inside

*3rd person*

As they got to the first floor, gaston automatically recognized this place, it was the tavern. The one where he would go to be praised every night, and drink until he was Onion eyed.

"Please tell me this isn't where I think it is" Justin whispered. Gaston nodded, confirming justin's suspicion.

They both jumped as they heard a gasp and the loud noise of glass hitting the wooden floor. The duo turned around in shock, to be in more shock from who they saw.

"G-Gaston?!" the person asked frantically


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