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*Back to Villeneueve*

Back at the castle, Lefou was in the garden walking alone, Usually he was with Gaston... but they hadn't found his body yet, and best guess was that it was probably Devoured by the wolves already... that didn't really sit well with the lonely man.

Ever Since they were little, Gaston and Lefou were always by each other sides, and they were almost never apart. But now he was gone, and lefou was Pretty much alone.

Sure, he had his friends in the castle, but they didn't know him like gaston. Gaston was the one who knew him more than anyone else. He could actually be himself when gaston was with him.

Truth be told, Lefou had Caught Feelings for gaston from a young age, how could he not? He was so Handsome, and Courageous. Lefou just wished that he hadn't taken the path that he did.

He sat in the Rose garden, lost in thought, he didn't even see Maurice come behind him until the man sat beside him. Lefou immediately froze, he didn't exactly want to talk to the man that him and gaston tried to kill.

"O-oh... I thought I was alone in the Garden" Lefou Stammered out. "I'll go if you want to be alone" before Lefou got up, he felt Maurice's hand rest on his shoulder, which made him even more uncomfortable than before.

"No, I was actually looking for you. You've been off lately, you're not you usual self," Maurice tilted his head "Is everything okay" Lefou smiled slightly

"Maybe its because I haven't been this sober in years"

"No, Ever since he died, You've been distant." lefou wanted to roll his eyes, Maurice could at least say his name. Its not like he was cussing.

"I... just..." He had no idea how to say this without sounding like an idiot "I have always been with gaston my entire life, I was always there for him, I know I should hate him, but I don't." Lefou felt stupid, Gaston always said men shouldn't talk this way, women were the ones who were Emotional.

Maurice listened to lefou, Truth be told he didn't understand how the Shorter man could have ever liked that monster of a man, but he also didn't blame him for being upset about his death

" You don't have to hate him just because everyone else did. You knew him better than everyone else." Maurice Patted Lefou on the Back. lefou smiled, and Maurice returned it

"Thank you, Maurice. But I don't Understand" lefou's smile faded, "Why are you being so nice to me, I tried to kill you... and convinced the town you were insane..." he heard maurice laugh as he talked.

"I will admit I wasn't too pleased with that" He paused " But I was talking with the servants, how you switched sides and realized who was wrong here. Besides, You weren't the one who Knocked me out and tied me to a tree"

But I didn't stop him... lefou thought to himself. After a few more moments of banter, Lefou decided he was going to go inside the castle, to see if anyone felt how he felt.

As he walked in, he heard the Maestro playing the Piano, and madame Garderobe singing together. It put a smile on his face, but didn't make him any happier. He saw the Village children run out of the library, belle had opened it to everyone, and sometimes taught there when she had time

He knocked on the door of the library, and saw belle look up, her face it up as she saw him and she smiled

"Lefou! Where have you been its been a week! You haven't visited!" she went up to him and gave him a hug, in which he returned.

"Yeah... um Hi..." She could tell something was off, but let him continue. "I was Wondering... Just for curiosity. How do you feel about Gaston being dead?" She looked at him with sympathy, she was the only one who knew that he liked gaston when he was alive, she answered

" Lefou, I know you miss him, I can see it in your eyes, I have no idea how to make you feel better though. If you want my honest opinion, I feel like he was a monster" belle Paused as she saw Lefou's eyes fill with heartbreak, breaking her heart as well "But that doesn't mean he deserved to die. I don't mind if you still think of him fondly, I will never judge you for that"

He was still shocked how much people trusted him now, after everything he had done. He thought everyone would get angry about how he felt, but these converstations actually made him feel better, knowing he had people who supported him more than gaston ever did.

"But maybe you should Make sure Adam doesn't know. After all, gaston did almost kill him." She shrugged "Maybe we could go make some tea, and talk more?" he smiled and nodded, Glad that he finally had a person he could talk to about these things.



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